  • 學位論文


Research on the Value Creation Cycle of Non-Docking Bicycle Sharing System

指導教授 : 游張松


由於科技的進步,推進了商業模式的創新。共享單車革新了過去傳統城市公共單車的模式,給城市帶來了更爲便利的短距離出行方式。共享單車的商業模式現階段仍存在許多問題,例如亂停放,盜竊,遭到蓄意破壞等。本研究通過對共享單車進行系統性的分析,希望能夠明確共享單車的價值。通過VPS找到其願景,分析共性單車價值創造循環並找到其主要動因。 首先,進入本研究的第一部分,我將對共享單車進行全面的解析,幷闡述共享單車的特質與其社會價值。第二部分,本文以VPS - Vison,Position,Scenario循環創新架構去展現共享單車的願景。而第三部主要推演共享單車價值循環如何形成,大數據如何驅使其正向價值循環。最後一部分,我將分析共享單車的三種盈利模式。 共享單車改變了城市的出行結構,緩解了城市的交通擁堵,減少了環境污染以及提高居民身體健康等。由於共享單車單價非常低,但是體量非常大,小資産可以做出大經濟。在大數據的驅動下,共享單車將迅速發展。未來隨著市場體量的增加,將需要更大規模的資金籌措以及策略聯盟。共享單車目前所面臨的問題,未來通過正向價值創造循環一一解決.


The innovation of business model has been promoted by the improvement of science and technology. Replacing the traditional Public Bicycle System, the Non-Docking Bicycle Sharing System provides affordable and convenient solution for short-distance trip in urban area. The Non-Docking Bicycle Sharing System still faces many problems, such as parking violation, stealing, vandalism, etc. Through this analysis, I will define the value proposition of Non-Docking Bicycle Sharing System, demonstrate the vision of bicycle sharing system by utilizing VPS model, analyze its VCC (Value Creation Cycle), and generate the key factors that drive the cycle to flow. There are four parts inside this research. First, I will analyze the system and define its characteristics and value proposition of the bicycle sharing system. In part two, I will use VPS model to demonstrate the vision of bicycle sharing system. In part three, I will deduce the Value Creation Cycle of the bicycle sharing system, and how big data drive the cycle to flow. Finally, I will analyze three different revenue models of bicycle sharing system. This study concludes Non-Docking Bicycle Sharing System provides an affordable shared-transportation choice for convenient short urban trips while reducing congestion and air pollution. All these benefits of Non-Docking Bicycle Sharing System could directly improve the quality of city life. Driven by the Big Data, a rapid market growth is foreseen. Due to the industry property of economics of scale, large-scale financing and strategic alliances will be needed. Problems in current stage will be solved by the positive Value Creation Cycle in the future


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[2] 李昆哲,共享經濟的價值創造循環之研究,碩士論文,國立台灣大學,2015
[3] 游張松,商業模式創新,課堂筆記,國立臺灣大學管理學院商學研究所,2015


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