  • 學位論文


Studies on Letter Form of Three Cao’s

指導教授 : 張蓓蓓教授


中國文學史上編輯總集之風興起於六朝,至今文獻中仍有跡可尋,蕭統《文選》為最早的一部,以文體將文章分類,收納各類文章精粹。而文體之專門研究,最主要的為六朝劉勰《文心雕龍》,分析文章之文體及風格,解釋其內容與歷史,另給予評價。至明清乃出現研究文體之專書,研究《文心雕龍》文體論者,對於各種文體的發展進程,亦皆有深度探討。 「書」體發展至漢末建安時期十分旺盛,但仍以唐宋為最盛,至今雖有對於「書」體內容及發展背景之研究,但無論是專書或論文,皆未針對建安時代作論述。因此本論文針對此時代,依據《全上古秦漢三國六朝文》及《三國志》等書目,以三曹父子為中心,透過著作內容,考量時代環境,探索建安書牘文之風格特徵,以及其創作之背景。 本論文於序言解釋研究動機、目的、及方法。第一章考證《文心雕龍》,按史書文獻檢視〈書記〉篇內容:第一節回顧書牘體的開始;第二節論其變遷。第二章第一節討論建安時代社會情況;第二節分析建安時代文學變遷;第三節簡討建安書牘,以正史為主,掌握建安時代整體風格。第三章取三曹父子於《全三國文》所收錄之書體文加以分析;第一節曹操;第二節曹丕;第三節曹植,先依各人在政治上之角色地位分期,剖析各期風格特色及前後異同、並涉及著作背景。結語則針對三曹書牘文,整理其整體的風格及特色,檢討三者異同。進而探索其內容特徵、實用功能,以及文體之多元背景,所具獨特之處。


書牘體 建安時代 三曹父子 名士 東漢末


The compilation of Chinese literary anthologies began to flourish during the Six Dynasties era, and many of these anthologies still exist today. The earliest of these, Xiao Tong’s Wen Xuan, is organized according to literary form, and collects exemplars of various types and genres. Another Six Dynasties era book, Liu Xie’s Wen Xin Diao Long [The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons], analyzes literary forms and styles, while providing explanation, history, and critical evaluation of literary works. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were already a number of specialized works and a comprehensive body of research on literary forms. According to the Wen Xin Diao Long, The “Shu” form had already begun to thrive at the end of the Han, during the Jianan reign period (196-220). However, scholarly examination of “Shu” form has mainly focused on the Tang and Song Dynasties; there is little research on the Jianan period. To fill this gap, this thesis will look primarily at the Quan Shang Gu Qin Han San Guo Liu Chao Wen, San Guo Zhi, and other such works, with its main focus placed on the “Three Caos” (Cao Cao and his two sons: Cao Pi and Cao Zhi). With these foci in mind, the thesis will explore the unique character and form of Jianan Shu Du works and describe the forces behind their literary production. The preface of this thesis explains the motives for undertaking the projects and the methods used. Chapter one will look at Wen Xin Diao Long, discussing the rise and evolution of the “Shu Du” form, based on historical documents and the “Shu Ji” chapter of Wen Xin Diao Long. Chapter two is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on the surroundings of Jianan society. The second section of the chapter analyses the effects of social conditions and evolution on Jianan literature in order to grasp the whole style on the Jianan period. The third section takes a concise look at Jianan documents cast in the light of official history. Chapter three is divided into three sections: the first section Cao Cao, the second Cao Pi, and the third Cao Zhi, examining the “Shu Du” writings of the “Three Caos” recorded in the Quan San Guo Wen. The works are analyzed on the basis of the political status, generation of the authors at every period, literary style, and background. The Three Caos styles will also be compared and contrasted with each other. The epilogue focuses on the Three Caos “Shu Du” works, showing their form and specialty, analyzing their different forms in order to more deeply explore the special character of their content, function, and the diverse background of the “Shu Du” form.


《中國文學史新講》王國瓔師撰 (台北:聯經出版公司,2006年)
《錢賓四先生全集》錢穆撰 (台北:聯經出版公司,1998年)
《全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文》嚴可均輯 (北京:中華書局,2009年重印)

