  • 學位論文


Manufacturing Creativity: The Origin and Development of the Korean Industrial Policies on Cultures and Contents

指導教授 : 黃長玲




With the trend of economic and cultural globalization, governments all around the world have put more emphasis on the cultural creative industry in view of its high value-added and large-scale job creating capability. People are curious about the reason South Korea has reached such fruitful results in the cultural creative industries, such as movies, drama, K-pop, online games, etc. Within a decade and further made Korean culture come into the spotlight worldwide through “Korean wave”. In fact, the concept of cultural industry did not exist before the democratic transition in South Korea; nevertheless, with the force of democratization inside of the country accompanied by the wave of globalization from the outside, the perception of the term 'culture' has transformed from "culture equals to art" to "culture equals to industry" and further becomes "culture equals to content". To analyze this phenomenon under the patterns of timing and sequences, we can find that the Korean government has placed more and more emphasis on the importance of cultural industry since President Kim Young-sam’s administration and the Korean-style cultural creative industry policy, with the tendency of path dependence stressing more and more on the economic benefits, has turned from ‘culture’ to ‘cultural content’ and finally, the ‘content.’ However, if we look into the process, we can see different routes and logics between its policy changing and industry development. On the one hand, the cultural and creative industry companies in South Korea, mainly small business owners, are lack of willingness to respond to governmental policies and aids due to its inefficiency. The government of South Korea still follows the developmental state model to pick strategic industries and continue to implement the mid/long-term development plans and strategies regardless of actual needs of the companies. Despite the cultural creative industry mainly counted on digital content and services and research also indicates that hardware construction contributes little help to this industry, the ‘hardware infrastructure’ is still the center of the government’s budget allocation. In other words, the Korean government still maintains the manufacturing industry centered thinking learnt in the ‘developing era’ when making cultural content industry policies.


