  • 學位論文


Company Directors' Criminal Liability of Breach of Fiduciary Duty

指導教授 : 王皇玉


近來最高法院判決常以公司法第23條第1項受託義務之違反,作為認定公司董事構成背信罪違背任務或特別背信罪違背職務要件。然而我國刑法或特別刑法中並沒有受託義務的概念,法院於公司董事涉及背信罪或特別背信罪之刑事案件中,能否直接援引商事法上的受託義務,作為判斷行為人在刑事法上是否違背任務或違背職務的標準,涉及背信罪與特別背信罪的保護法益與罪質。我國於2001年時參考英美法之規定增訂公司法第23條第1項,規定公司董事負有忠實義務和善良管理人責任之受託義務,以英美法上董事之受託義務及其違反時所負之刑事責任為比較對象,當屬其來有自。 本文將英國法上的濫用身分詐欺、美國法上的誠信服務詐欺,與我國法上的背信罪和特別背信罪相互參考比較後,認為濫用身分詐欺和誠信服務詐欺,關注的焦點在於行為人不誠實行為的處罰,而不在於行為人和被害人經濟利益上的此消彼長,因此都不以對被害人造成財產損害為要件。我國法上的背信罪及特別背信罪雖皆為結果犯的立法,在討論上自不能與英美法完全相提並論,但是如果從行為人主觀構成要件的角度予以觀察,也可以發現背信罪或特別背信罪其實並非完全如傳統財產犯罪一般僅僅是為了保護財產利益而存在。背信罪是破壞委任關係侵害個人整體財產法益的犯罪,而特別背信罪是侵害公司整體財產法益和社會經濟制度的犯罪。在行為方面,透過董事義務的類型化,可以提供行為是否合於法規範之初步判準:違反與財產事務相關的受任人義務或受託義務都可能被認為是背信罪的違背任務,但是除非董事的行為侵害量足以達到破壞社會經濟制度的程度,否則不應認為是特別背信罪的違背職務。


Recently, the Supreme Court often finds the company directors being guilty for criminal Breach of Trust or Special Breach of Trust as acting contrary to their fiduciary duty. However, instead of any Criminal Code, the provision of “fiduciary duty” is enacted in the Company Law section 23 subsection 1. Whether a person has criminal culpability for breaching of civil fiduciary duty is related to the essence and the interest of Breach of Trust or Special Breach of Trust. Compared with the Fraud by Abuse of Position of English Fraud Act and the Honest Services Fraud of United States Code, the Breach of Trust of Criminal Code and the Special Breach of Trust of Sepcial Criminal Code indeed more likely focus on the gain or loss of property interest and require the result element, but are not merely to protect the full property interest of victims. The Breach of Trust is in order to protect both the personal full property interest and the relation of appointment, and the Sepcial Breach of Trust is not only in order to protect the company’s full property interest, but also to maintain the order of socio-economic. Through the typed obligation of company directors’, the thesis provides an initial determination of guilty conducts: the contrary to the obligation of appointment or the fiduciary duty would constitute the element of acting contrary to duty in Breach of Trust, but unless the quantity of infringement in property interest is sufficient to cause damage of the socio-economic order, the directors shall not constitute the element of violating their duty in Special Breach of Trust.


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