  • 學位論文


A Comparative Analysis of Negative Expressions in Mandarin and Thai and its Teaching Applications: Using Thai Learners as an Example

指導教授 : 蔡宜妮


在語言交際過程中「否定」是重要表達形式之一,「不」和「沒」是否定句中最常見的否定副詞,也是外籍華語學習者在學習過程中的難點。學界已經從不同的角度進行「不」和「沒」的對立研究,如時間概念、主客觀概念、結構概念與意義概念等,但教材仍多用時間概念來說明分辨。「不」和「沒」有許多尚未發掘的模糊地帶,其語意分布依據不同的情境下而有所不同。表面上看似簡單,其實並非小問題。 泰語的否定副詞「ไม่」(mai)和「ไม่ได้」(mai dai)雖與華語否定副詞「不」和「沒」具相似性,但在語義與用法上卻不完全對應。泰語通常習慣使用「ไม่」(mai)來否定,事實上「ไม่ได้」(mai dai)是「ไม่」(mai)加上「ได้」(dai)組合而成的複合詞,未被列入泰國的詞典中。 本研究結合量化和質化分析,一方面以翻譯測驗檢視泰籍學習者的否定表達偏誤,測驗結果答錯率過半,證實泰籍學習者無法確實掌握華語否定表達形式,偏誤的可能影響與原因則包含母語遷移、教材影響等,共分為「誤代」、「迴避」、「遺漏」、「誤加」、「錯序」、「語義偏誤」、「迴避策略」6種偏誤類型;另一方面為有效降低偏誤,透過語料庫觀察「不」和「沒」的搭配傾向。據各題的答錯率,研究者將需注意泰籍學習者「不」和「沒」的強度分級,並結合「不」和「沒」的共現搭配設計否定副詞「不」和「沒」的教學語塊並提出教學順序與建議。


Negative expressions are an extremely important aspect of human communication. “bù” and “méi” are not only the most commonly used negative adverbs in Mandarin, but they also pose difficulties for learners of Mandarin as a second or foreign language. Many studies have investigated the distribution of “bù” and “méi” from different perspectives, such as their use with the concept of time, with the concepts of subjectivity and objectivity, and in relation to structure and semantics. In teaching materials, however, the concept of time is the most commonly used context. There are still many aspects of the use of “bù” and “méi” to be explored. In different scenarios, their semantic distribution varies. “bù” and “méi” seem simple, but teaching and learning how to use them remains a significant problem. The Thai negative adverbs “mai” and “mai dai”, are very similar to the Chinese negative adverbs “bù” and “méi”, but do not exactly correspond in their semantics and usage. “mai” is generally used for negation. While also widely used, “mai dai” is a compound word consisting of “mai” and “dai” and is therefore not found in Thai dictionaries. This study combines quantitative and qualitative analysis. First, a translation test was implemented to examine the negative expression errors of Thai learners of Mandarin. The test results showed that more than fifty percent of their answers were wrong, indicating that Thai learners struggle with Mandarin negative expression forms. The errors were divided into 6 types: “mistake generation”, “missing”, “misintentional”, “misleading”, “semantic errors”, and “avoidance”. Also, based on the error rate of responses to each of the test questions, the level of learning difficulty of “bù” and “méi in different contexts was calculated for Thai learners. In addition, a corpus was used to observe the respective collocations of “bù” and “méi”. By combining the classification of errors, the learning difficulty levels, and the corpus analysis, an effective pedagogical approach to the teaching of the negative adverbs “bù” and “méi” was developed, including practical teaching sequences and suggestions.


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