  • 學位論文


Rooted in Land and Identity: The Production of Agri-places in Hong Kong

指導教授 : 王志弘


在香港社會對土地規劃問題的熾熱討論和爭辯中,農業土地既是邊緣議題又是主題之一,「開放農地發展」被納入到解決土地及房屋供應的論述中,而農業、食物生產以及在農地上埋首勞動的人們,則被淹没在一片喧嘩聲中。 香港的農業是「都市農業」,這突出了香港農業與城市之間的關係和張力,也同時預示了城市居民和農村居民之間結盟與排斥的雙重可能性。近年有關香港農業的經驗層次的討論有所增加,然而大部份研究都偏向農業或農業土地的某個面向,缺乏兼顧土地規劃和農業實踐的研究,探討農業與香港城市發展的張力。本研究希望以更宏觀的角度,將農業置於近年香港特殊的政治環境中,討論農業對香港的未來發展的啟發。本研究參考王志弘(2015)的地方的多重張力的架構,探討三個案例(馬屎埔村、蕉徑村和荔枝窩村)面對的張力,並提出「農業地方」生產的概念,整合「地方生產」、「農業生產」與「身份政治認同」,突出農業生產與在殖民時期和後殖民時間的身份政治的關連。 本研究梳理香港城市治理的特性,以及在地農夫和投身農業保育運動的行動者如何與政府、資本與地方力量組成的發展聯盟角力,重新論述農業、農業土地與香港社會未來發展的連接。本文藉由「地方」的概念,指出以空間的均質化角度去討論農地,會忽視數十年甚至數百年的農業活動在土地上創造的累積;而從地方的獨特性的角度,則能讓我們看到農業活動在土地上創造的網絡和連接,以及這些連接如何促進各端的人和非人的福祉。故此,本文提出以「農業地方」的概念來討論香港的農地的生產和再生產的過程。透過以質性研究方法,本研究以香港新界三個農業地方為例,探討當前的香港農業復興運動中,跨界的行動如何連接全球和地方網絡,促成農業地方的生產,而「農業地方」又如何支持行動者的身份認同和實作基礎。   本研究透過民族誌的書寫,呈現香港新界的農業地方的生產過程。「馬寶寶社區農場」正努力抵抗都市擴張、房地產開發;蕉徑的行動者面對政府主導的「農業地方」生產,企圖重新界定農業,以植根土地的論述提出「農業地方」的不同想像;荔枝窩村強調客家文化的復耕復村努力,得到政府、教育和慈善體制大量資源的支持,成為發展導向的香港社會中的獨特案例。這裡有由下而上,也有由上而下的農業地方生產。在網絡社會關係中,形成了不一樣的地方,而身份政治和身份認同就在這個過程中得以實踐。這樣的角度,使我們得以更細緻地看到土地與人/非人行動者的關係,得以想像新界的各種可能。本文同意王志弘(2015),地方不必然是保守或解放的,這視乎行動者的動機和策略。   本研究指出在當代的「農業地方」生產過程中邊界工作的重要性,邊界生成了領域、地方,然而,無論邊界、領域或者地方都是未完成的,是一直在進行中。地方生產便是一個跨越邊界、跨越領域,透過身體、情感、想像不斷重新定義地方的過程。在農業地方中,農夫的生產方式與身份認同受制於地方,也同時定義和生產了地方。地方生產並不是城市特有,一直被視為較少變化的香港鄉郊正在發生的「農業地方」生產,使我們重視思考城鄉之間的關係,想像在全球都市化趨勢下的各種可能。


Agricultural land is a marginalized yet centered theme in debates of planning and development in Hong Kong. Relaxing restrictions on use of agricultural land has been included as an option to increase land and housing supply, whereas agriculture, food production and the people who produce food are marginalized in the heated debates. Agriculture in Hong Kong is mostly urban agriculture. The statement highlights the dynamic relation between agriculture and the urban in Hong Kong, and the dual possibilities of alliance and rivalry between the rural and urban. There has been a growing volumn of writings on agriculture in Hong Kong, however, most of the researches focused on one or some aspects of agriculture or agricultural land. This paper adopts a meso-level analysis on land use planning and agricultural practices against the post-colonial political background of Hong Kong. This research, taking reference from the framework of multiple tensions of the concept of “place” suggested by Wang Chih-hung (2015), discusses three cases of agricultural practices. This paper proposes the concept of “production of agri-places” which pulls together “place production”, “agricultural production” and “identity politics” in the discussion of their relationship in the colonial and post-colonial Hong Kong. Local farmers and actors developed their discourse of linkage between agriculture, agriculturl land and social development in their resistance against the development coalition between the government, the capital and localized political power. Instead of the homogenized concept of “space”, this paper adopts the concept of “place” helps us to undertand the culture built by decades or centuries of agriculture practices. “Places” are situated in networks and connections of human and non-human actors. This paper argues that the concept of “agri-places” is helpful in understanding the production and re-production of agricultural land. Focus of agricultural land has been changed from “places of agri-production” to “production of agri-places” Using qualitative research methodology, the process of “production of agri-places” of Mapopo Community Farm, Tsiu Ken Village and Lai Chi Wo Villages was discussed in ethnography. In Lai Chi Wo, actors are trying to revive a Hakka villages which support from foundations and government, while actors in Ma Shi Po Village are fighting against the pressure of urban expansion and those in Tsiu Keng are faceing government-led “production of agri-places” through the “agricultrual park” project. Boundary work and cross-boundary actors are shaping the territorialization and networking process across the global-local scale in the “agri-place production” process, while “agri-places” provides base for identity and practice. The relations between land and human/non-human actors reveals the possibilities of the New Territories. As Wang Chih-hung (2015) said, “place” is not necessarily conservative nor liberative. That, is decided by the motive and strategies of the actors. The research highlights the importance of boundary work in the “production of agri-places”. Boundary, territory and places are never completed. The production of place is a process of redefining place through bodily works, affects and immaginations, which works through boundaries and territories. Place production is not only seen in the urban. In rural Hong Kong, people are rethinking the urban-rural relations and reimagining global urbalization in the process of production of agri-places.


土地供應專責小組(2019)〈多管齊下 同心協力 土地供應專責小組報告〉。https://www.landforhongkong.hk/pdf/Report%20(Chi).pdf,2019年5月25日。
王志弘(2015)〈領域化與網絡化的多重張力:「地方」概念的理論性探討〉。《城市與設計學報》23: 71-100。
