  • 學位論文


Study on Performance Objective for Performance Based Seismic Design

指導教授 : 羅俊雄


本文主要內容分為三個部分:首先由建立結構物的性能目標曲線開始,進而討論結構物受地震作用損壞後之性能目標曲線的變化情形,最後再運用性能目標曲線的調整,探討結構物於生命週期內的經濟效益。 由於本文係採用Park和Ang的損害度指數為基礎,做為代表性能水準之參數,為建立該損害度指數之重要參數-累積遲滯能的估算方法,需分別介紹γ-spectrum及非線性位移反應譜,再據以計算累積遲滯能。其次,本文之設計水準係以地震於該特定工址發生之年超越機率(或迴歸期)做為參數,因此,本文採用地震危害度分析的方法,瞭解特定結構物於特定工址所承受的地震危害度,並藉以建立性能水準及設計水準二者間的關係(即為該結構物之性能目標曲線),以提供設計者初步設計時之參考。 第二部分將由遲滯能可累積的概念開始介紹,進而說明損害度也是可以由數次地震所造成的損害,予以分別累積的。藉由該等概念,本文將發展估算曾遭受一次地震損害的結構物,於下一次地震期間所吸收的遲滯能之計算模式。最後,本文將發展結構物因受地震損壞後,其性能目標變化的評估方法。設計者可參考結構物性能目標變化的結果,評估該結構物是否仍在原設計的性能需求範圍內。如果該結構物已不敷原使用用途之性能需求時,亦可藉由本法評估是否可以變更使用用途因應,而不需予以補強。 第三部分將藉由討論損害度對建物造成之價值(收益)減損及成本增加,並以建物於生命週期中之總淨收益必須符合業主需求為基本考量原則,選取建物最佳之性能目標曲線,除可提供設計者決定建物之最佳設計性能目標,並讓業主瞭解其所負擔的風險,及未來的收益情形。藉此提供業主及設計者討論結構物經濟效益、風險及性能等參數的平臺。


生命週期 損害度 性能設計


Through the concept of seismic hazard assessment and the damage index criteria, a new approach to assess the performance of the structure with respect to the level of earthquake excitation is developed in this research. Through Fajfar’s hysteretic energy model and Park and Ang damage index, the damage-related hazard curves are generated. The parameters to be considered in these hazard curves include capacity and demand of system ductility, hysteretic dissipation energy capacity of the structural system, and structural period. Similarly, through the concept of dissipated energy during a sequence of earthquakes and the proposed damage consistent hazard curves, the residual energy capacity of a “pre-damaged” structure can be estimated, too. Re-estimation on the performance objective after a series of earthquake excitation can be conducted. Seismic ground motion data collected from Taiwan were used to generate the regression model in this study. In addition, the benefit of a structure during its life cycle can be estimated with the concept of performance objective. Through the economy parameter (B/C ratio), life cycle and expected damage level during its life cycle, the platform is established for client and designer to discuss what performance the structure should reach. It’s the major mechanism in performance based design.


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