  • 學位論文


Study on Cost-Benefit Analysis of Seismic Retrofitting of Existing Building

指導教授 : 宋裕祺


臺灣在歷經921集集大地震後,國人開始正視建築物耐震補強的重要性,公務部門機關與學術單位機構之專家學者,相繼投入相當多的心力在耐震設計規範的修訂,與既有建築物耐震能力的評估及補強技術、工法、材料之研究。而建築物之耐震能力為安全性的重要指標,本文將利用結構分析軟體結合耐震能力評估輔助分析系統,分別以鋼筋混凝土強度補強、鋼筋混凝土包覆圍束補強及鋼板包覆圍束補強工法分析模組,進行補強後之耐震能力評估,並估算補強工程所需經費,藉以選定符合耐震設計目標之較經濟補強工法。 為進一步評估耐震能力不足的建築物在施以補強後,其所可能帶來不容小觑的效益性,本文採行成本效益分析方法探討之;除了考慮時間、風險和不確定性的問題,並進行敏感度分析,藉以瞭解參數變異性對補強計畫效益的影響程度。另結合災害性地震發生的機率,考量涉及具爭議性之生命價值,評估建築物因進行耐震補強而可能減少的損失,予以量化計算。最後提出損益平衡點的決策原則,供執行耐震補強計畫之工程司參考。


After the Jiji earthquake, which occurred in Taiwan on 21 September 1999, Taiwanese are aware of the importance of the seismic retrofitting of the building. The authorities and experts put a lot of efforts on the relevant principle amendment and concentrated on preexisting approaches improvement, such as the seismic retrofitting assessment of building, retrofitting approaches and material study. The Seismic capacity of a building is an important security index, therefore, this thesis combined the structural analysis and Seismic Evaluation of RC Building and assess the capacity of seismic after reinforcement by improving the RC columns by RC covering, improving the RC columns by RC covered confinement, and improving the RC columns by steel covered confinement method analysis. Moreover, In order to find an economical reinforcement approach, the estimation of the expenditure for the reinforcement is also considered. This thesis adopted the cost benefit analysis to study the efficiency of an insufficient seismic building after reinforcement. In the meanwhile, considering the time, risks and uncertainties, the sensitivity analysis was also conducted to make a better understanding of different results caused by different retrofitting. In addition, considering the probability of catastrophic earthquake occurrence, the value of life and the losses due to the reinforcement assessment, this thesis presented the results by quantifying all the considerations. The results obtained could benefit the plan of seismic retrofitting.


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