  • 學位論文


A Proposal Alignment between the University Museum and Heritage Conservation Planning at Campus—A Case Study of the Move towards National Taiwan University Museum

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


校園文化是形塑大學文風和凝聚社群認同的基礎,其包含有形的自然、文化資產及無形的大學精神,反映出一所大學獨特的風格。因此,大學校園資產的保存與規劃是校史悠久的現代大學應該重視的課題之一。國立台灣大學為國內歷史最悠久、科系最完整的綜合大學,也是台灣第一所的現代大學;目前校方擬藉由大學博物館計畫的推動,重新詮釋大學校園文史資產保存的概念,整合散落於校園內的各種活動、資源、人才、設施與空間,試圖建構一個校園資產保存規劃的平台與發展可行的營運管理模式,建立大學和社會直接對話的橋樑。 本論文主旨在於將大學博物館視為大學校園資產保存規劃的平台,是達成大學校園資產保存和永續經營的理想,透過國立台灣大學博物館籌設與規劃歷程的案例經驗,分析校園資產保存和規劃的狀況,對所面臨的問題提出可能對策,同時,亦針對其營運提出可行性模式構想,以為類似案例參考之範例。研究發現台灣大學博物館因為校園資產龐雜量多、高教法制與政策的影響、專業人才與經營知識和資源等因素,而導致在推動過程中,於典藏、展示、組織人力、資源與經營等方面遭遇到不小阻礙;此外,對於台灣大學博物館未來的營運,應參考非營利組織的營運模式,強調開放式的整合機制建構,如此才有機會逐步邁向永續經營。


The culture of a campus which includes the tangible heritage of nature and culture and the invisible university spirit is the foundation of forming the ideological style of a university and agglomerating the community identity. And it also reflects a particular style of a university. Therefore, heritage preservation and planning at university campus is a serious subject to a modern university who owns a very long history. National Taiwan University is a comprehensive university that has the longest history and the most complete college departments, and it is also the first modern university in Taiwan. At present, NTU plans to reinterpret the concept of campus heritage preservation, merges all kinds of activities, resources, specialists, facilities, and spaces by the university museum program. It also tries to establish a mechanism of heritage preservation planning at the campus, develops feasible models about the operation and management of the university museum, and establishes the connection to the university and society. The purpose of this research is to take a university museum to a mechanism of heritage preservation planning and an ideal of reaching and sustainability to heritage preservation and management at university campus. By the experience of the promotional establishment and planning of National Taiwan University Museum, this thesis analyzes the condition of heritage preservation and planning at campus, deals with problems it happens, and also provides feasible concept of an operational model to be referral to similar cases. This study finds out that because of such factors as diversity of heritages, high educational policy and institutional governance, lack of re professional personnel and resources, etc. so that National Taiwan University Museum meets so many problems about reservation, exhibition, organizations, resources, management, etc.. Furthermore, National Taiwan University Museum should refer to the operation model of nonprofit organization that focus on the establishment of open integrated mechanism towards the sustainable future.


7.吳嘉成、黃君儀、林曉卿譯,1996,Craig C. Black著,大學博物館的兩難困境,博物館學季刊10(3),台中:國立自然科學博物館,3-12。


楊松翰(2006)。鐘響之前- 校園培力與參與實驗:「校園文化資產詮釋」〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.10513
