  • 學位論文


Network Analysis on the Aesthetics, Time, and Calorie Consumption for Travel Trails in Chi-Tou Forest Recreational Area.

指導教授 : 邱祈榮


森林資源是休閒遊憩活動的一項重要資源,尤以現今以永續生態經營為目標,森林資源於遊憩上所扮演的角色日趨重要;路線的規劃在旅遊行程中是核心的部分,旅遊路線的規劃並非容易的事情,因其必需考慮許多面向,如時間、體力等,這些必需被考慮的面向是一種條件的限制;必需充分的掌握遊憩地區的資訊,才能夠妥善規劃。旅遊路線的規劃屬於線型資料分析的範疇,藉由地理資訊系統內的動態路段分析,可獲取道路上各項資訊的分佈;本研究使用溪頭森林遊樂地區的基本資料,如數值高程模型,整合地理資訊系統的分析技術與各項旅遊因子的計算方式,推算時間成本、體能消耗、美質感受與風景豐富度四項影響旅遊行程的因子在各路段分佈的情形。於本研究中發現,山區行走的時間成本受坡率的影響遠大於路線的長度,體能的消耗上,同樣的坡率值中上坡所消耗的體能遠比下坡大,此兩個因子與坡率息息相關。 藉由各路段的資訊配合動態規劃的概念,使用地理資訊系統路網分析的功能,可依照不同的旅遊目的尋求最佳化的旅遊路徑;本研究假設同樣的出發點與目的地,選擇四種不同的目的,即時間花費最短、美質感受最高、風景歧異度最大以及體能消耗最大試驗;研究的結果發現,若以最短時間為目的所分析出的最佳路徑,則無法得到最高的美質分數與最大的風景歧異度,且所規劃出的路線也並非一般所認知的直線距離或易於行走的路面。由研究的過程得知,充份的掌握地區的資訊才能夠有效規劃出最佳的路徑;且地理資訊系統對於旅遊路線的分析是非常實用的工具,其不僅將資訊良好整合亦可用以計算分析求得結果;因此藉由地理資訊系統的應用與計算不同因子的方法整合可有效獲得資訊,並且充份掌握與應用。


Recreational activities play an important role in forest resource, especially in pursuing the objective of sustainable ecosystem management. The main part in travel is the route planning which is difficult to organize. A well-planned travel route has to be concerned with the whole aspects, for instance, the time and the consumption of physical strength. Those aspects need sufficient information to plan the route. Linear data analysis is applied to plan travel routes, and further dynamic segmentation in GIS (Geographic Information System) can extract many kinds of information along the route. In this research, a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) of Chi-Tou Forest Recreational Area is used, and the equations of traveling constraints are integrated with the functions in GIS. The results demonstrated that the traveling constraints on time and physical strength are affected more by slope than the distance of the route. The optimum travel route for different traveling purposes can be obtained using network analysis in GIS. In this research, the travel route from the same starting point and terminal stops were chosen to assess the traveling purposes by evaluating the shortest time, the highest aesthetic weighted score, the maximum diversity of scenery, and the maximum energy consumption of physical strength. The results show that the optimum route can only satisfy one purpose. On the other hand, the optimum route for the shortest time can not be the optimum route for the other purposes. During the research process, sufficient information of the recreational site helps better plan the travel route. Furthermore, GIS is a useful tool for analyzing travel routes. It can not only integrate the information well but also present the results well. Therefore, GIS can be needed for analyzing linear data efficiently.


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