  • 學位論文


Cross-Strait Interactive Relationships among Three Political Parties and Taiwan’s National Interest:1992-2012

指導教授 : 陳明通


兩岸政策是台灣無可迴避的政治議題,台灣的對外關係發展無法不考慮中國的因素。然而,台灣內部的主要政治勢力對於如何面對中國,看法莫衷一是,甚至成為彼此主要的分歧點,這將不利於政治穩定與國家發展之整體利益。 本文為進一步理解兩岸關係發展與台灣的國家利益之間的關聯,將試圖借用國際關係中用來探討三方國家互動的戰略三角分析架構,並以台灣作為主體性的觀察角度,從兩岸關係結構裡三個主要政黨(國民黨、民進黨和中共)的互動關係出發,分別對1992-1999年的李登輝、2000-2007年的陳水扁、2008-2012年的馬英九等三位台灣政治領袖之不同主政時期,兩岸三方所呈現之不同互動關係與脈絡作初步評估,並探討各階段台灣的國家利益狀態。 經由比較分析,本文發現,李登輝執政時期(1996-1999)的兩岸三方互動關係是較符合台灣利益的狀態。本文認為,相對於陳水扁與馬英九時期,李登輝採取一種較為漸進而穩健的兩岸政策,不但有利於台灣內部共識的凝聚與集體認同的提升,也能夠在不對等的兩岸關係結構中,凸顯對等地位和國格尊嚴。本文也指出,符合台灣國家利益的兩岸關係推動與政策主張,應以台灣內部的團結穩定為基礎。藍、綠對於發展與中國關係或有不同看法,但應對此有共同的認識。 最後,本文的結論是,作為小國的台灣,對外的目標應該一致。面對兩岸關係議題,朝野應互相協力,而非陷入內耗與鬥爭,方能確保台灣的國家利益。


For Taiwan, cross-Strait policy is a political issue. Cross-Strait relations are closely related to Taiwan’s external relations. However, the main political forces in Taiwan have no consensus on the views on the cross-Strait issues, which even become the cardinal discrepancy among them. It is not in the interest of Taiwan either for political stability or the economic development. To understand the linkage between the development of cross-Strait relations and the Taiwan’s national interest further, this thesis uses strategy triangle in international relation studies as analytical framework. Through Using Taiwan as a case study, the thesis starts from the interactions among the three political parties(Kuomintang, KMT;Democratic Progressive Party, DPP;and China Communist Party, CCP), and makes a preliminary evaluation of three different Taiwan’s political leaders:Lee Teng-hui (1992-1999), Chen Shui-bian(2000-2007), Ma Ying-jeou(2008-2012). It shows the different interactions in cross-Strait triangular relations, and then investigates the perceptions of Taiwan’s national interest at each stage . By way of comparing and analyzing, this thesis finds that the cross-Strait triangular interactions in Lee Teng-hui’s term of office(1996-1999)is a better one in securing Taiwan’s national interest. In comparison with Chen’s and Ma’s presidencies, Lee implemented incremental and moderate cross-Strait policy toward China. Lee defended and promoted Taiwan’s sovereignty effectively. This thesis concludes that Lee’s approach not only helped consolidate Taiwan’s internal consensus but also strengthened collective identity. It also highlighted cross-Strait reciprocal status and secured Taiwan’s national dignity in the asymmetric structure of cross-Strait relations. This thesis indicates that Taiwan’s national interest in term of cross-Strait policy should be based on Taiwan’s internal unity and stability as well. Probably, the pan-blue and the pan-green have different views on developing relations with China, but both of them should have a common understanding on the necessity of forging a consensus before dealing with China. Finally, this thesis concludes that Taiwan, as a small state, should have consistent external goals. Regarding the cross-Strait issues, Taiwan’s ruling and opposition parties should focus more on building consensus instead of falling into internal friction and political struggle. Only then, Taiwan’s national interest could be ensured.


