  • 學位論文


The Expolore in Su-shi’s Ji-yu and Return Based on the Themelines of Time and Space

指導教授 : 柯慶明


本論文擬探究蘇軾的「寄寓」與「懷歸」,「寄寓」是他對自我存在處境的感受,「懷歸」是他一生的心願與期望,二者都是他一生縈繞於心的生命意識,而二者之間又有密切關係,「寄寓」意識所言寄寓於世的生命覺知,乃是無可安頓的生存狀態,而其所感知人生不斷的空間變動,會導致主體歸返的心理需求,這包含原生家鄉的情感,甚至自我生命安頓的生活方式。 探究「寄寓」與「懷歸」時,又與「時間」、「空間」有密切關係。「寄寓」意識所言人寄寓於世的生存狀態,會涉及二個層面的意義,第一,「寄寓」思想將人生看作暫時寄寓之處,關注人生無常、短暫的生命處境,此一意涵,實具有強烈的時間焦慮,「寄寓」的感受,會強化對生命意義的叩問,即人一生短暫的生命,究竟應投注於何處,故蘇軾常有仕途與歸返的掙扎,即可由此窺見,而時間焦慮的超越,又與物化、大化相關涉,此與「寄寓」意識的思想淵源正可互相聯繫。第二,由其中短暫寓居之意涵,加上蘇軾宦途漂泊的經歷,便會產生自我於各處「寄寓」的觀念,並以「寄寓」述說人生中空間變動的感受,此一空間意識又會有兩個層面的意義,首先,進入仕途後,其所處空間對自我造成許多壓迫與束縛,使自我一生面臨不斷的空間變動,因而強化自我的「寄寓」與「懷歸」之意識,過去的研究較傾向由黨爭及蘇軾正直的性格來述說,本論文擬由組織及社會文化的視角切入,由其入仕途後,面對一有階序(hierarchy)的空間,由此一空間的運作規則來分析,觀察蘇軾的心理與行為表現,以呈現他與空間的相關性。其次,則是自我基本生活安頓,此即家園的失落與尋求,「寄寓」不只是心靈感受,更是實質物理空間的無可安頓,而「懷歸」更與尋求一個能安頓自我的家有關,故 他如何建構自我的安居空間,乃是一值得注意的課題,而以往研究較忽略他所受物理空間的影響,本論文可針對此一面向進行分析。 如此,以時間、空間為主軸來考察蘇軾的「寄寓」與「懷歸」,便可作為一個詮釋系統,以之分析蘇軾的生命意識,並可進一步理解其與苦難奮鬥,最後歸鄉、歸田、中隱、致仕皆無著落的心路歷程。


蘇軾 寄寓 懷歸 時間 空間


The dissertation explores two themes in the life of Su-shi---Ji-yu and his wish to return. Ji-yu means his reflections for his life; his wish to return means a life-long expectations and eagerness. Both of the two themes are deeply connected. Ji-yu is an expression about constant migration in his lifespan, which has an immense impact on his desire to return. The desire to return concludes a trip back to his hometown, and a search for an ideal style of life. Exploring the two themes ---Ji-yu and his wish to return---involves greatly with time and space. There are two main levels about Ju-yu consciousness. For one level, the world is a temporary residence, in which we consider our life fleeting and therefore we suffer from the huge anxiety of time passing. As a result, we will take it into consideration that where we should put our effort into. Sh-shi is always caught in a dilemma of either career perusing or return. Solving the anxiety of time is associated with the concepts--- Wu-hwa and Da-hwa, which has a connection with the philosophical resource of Ji-yu. For the other level, Su-shi will use the concept of space to discuss the fate that people transfer from one place to another. The consciousness of space involves two directions. One direction is about the situation that when he enters political arena, he is faced with oppression and limitation, which causes his constant migration, which enhance his feelings of Ji-yu and anticipation for return. Scholars used to explain his political fate from the aspects of political factions and his righteous personality. The dissertation focuses on political organization and culture. After Su-shi starts his official career, he is in face of a space of hierarchy. With the analysis of the rules of the operation in the space, I observe his psychological state and behavior to present how he deals with the space. The other direction is about his rebuilding his home after losing his original home. Ji-yu is the topic of failing to settle himself in every space that he falls into. Meanwhile, return is the search for a home to settle himself. Thus, how he constructs a security place is a theme worth researching. Many papers put emphasis on how he conquers troubles form his environment and ignored how surroundings influences him. My dissertation focuses on solving the problem. Based on themelines of time and space, doing research on Ji-yu and return, I create an explanatory system in order to analyze his sense of life. Moreover, we can understand his process of struggle with difficulties in life and a journey of no return.


Su-shi time space Ji-yu return




