  • 學位論文


Analysis of Inside Noise of Car Induced by Tire Forces from Road

指導教授 : 洪振發


汽車的振源與噪音源主要有主機系統、傳動系統、排氣系統、輪胎-路面系統等,高速行駛時還有環繞車體氣流影響。輪胎噪音或路面噪音的研究分車外噪音與車內噪音兩類,前者以輪胎與路面壓擠與摩擦造成空氣壓縮與膨脹所產生的輻射噪音為主,後者以探討路面對輪胎輸入力與其對車內振動噪音影響為主,本文研究以後者為對象。 實車路跑無法直接量測路面對輪胎之輸入力,本文先藉由懸吊車體之敲擊試驗量取各檢核點在輪胎底部垂直敲擊下之加速度反應,分析輪胎入力到各檢核點之頻率響應函數。其次利用實車路跑試驗量測車內檢核點加速度資料與各檢核點對於輪胎入力之頻率反應函數推算路面對輪胎之入力頻譜,並以路面對輪胎入力為統計能量分析系統之功率來源,採用統計能量法分析車內噪音頻譜,分析結果與噪音量測結果之三分之一倍頻頻譜一致性頗高。


The main sources of noise in a car are the main engine, power transmission, exhaust and tire-road system, the surrounding air flow is also a significant noise source if the car is running in high speed. Researches on the tire noise or called road noise can be categorized into outside and inside tire noise problems of car. The outside tire noise focus on the noise radiation induced by tire, road and air interference; for inside tire noise the vibro-acoustics inside cars induced by the tire forces from road are studied. The object of this paper is to develop an analysis procedure to predicate the inside tire noise. The road forces to tires can not be measured directly during car running test; this paper calculated the road force inversely from the predetermined frequency response function (FRF) and measured accelerations at specified checkpoints in car body obtained from car running test. To predicate the road force to tires, the FRF of accelerations at check points to the vertical impact loads applied on the individual tire bottom were determined from hammering impact test of a suspending car. The statistical energy analysis was used to predicate inside noise of car, and the calculated road forces to tires were used as input power source. The 1/3 octave spectrum of the predicted inside noise of cars has good agreement compared with the results of measured noise level.


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