  • 學位論文


Value Innovation of Green Living Urban Renewal

指導教授 : 游張松


最近都市更新的議題持續發燒, 政府明定為十大重點服務業發展項目之一. 在經濟上老舊社區急待重建和整護, 供需同步增加, 每年產值約兩千多億; 在環保上都市面積占不到地球3%, 二氧化碳排放量卻占了80%, 全球的建築環境更消耗了地球能源的40%, 環保與經濟的兩難與兩全, 一直是本世紀人類最大難題! 都更同時開啟了都市和建築環境改變的機會, 但就如逆水行舟, 是為環保與經濟帶來雙重價值還是災難? 一進一退之間, 各國競爭力消長更大. 都更現況進展緩慢, 值得探求原因及尋找解決方案, 在未來成效上有很大的進步空間. 本研究使用沙漏式概念 (由廣泛性的探討開始, 聚焦到研究主題, 形成假說並作驗證, 最後作情境應用及延伸), 由環保趨勢、產業趨勢與全球趨勢展開交互作用, 探討綠色革命及仿生學, 再對頂尖案例進行分析, 結合需求理論提出住的新價值觀:先綠化以環保節能為前提, 從而再活化形成永續循環, 以兼顧身心靈三個層次上的新時代需求. 具體作法為聚焦於綠活化價值創新且應用於傳統最耗能的都更領域, 以仿生學應用來建構都更藍海策略, 再演繹其平台架構、多方談判、商業模式等解決方案. 最後以都更個案為例, 進行統計分析、在地案例參訪及需求探討, 最後與研究結果進行驗證與對話, 提出管理意涵. 都市透過更新而重生, 帶動住的再進化--綠活化, 最能為經濟和環保帶來雙重價值! 但綠色環保需為最大前提, 以仿生學應用作為創新基礎, 兼顧住的需求滿足、商業效益與經濟發展, 並結合台灣引以為傲的科技動能和發明家創意, 以平台策略活化聚落效應, 形成正向循環, 以期發展台灣獨有的特色和優勢, 共創多贏.


Urban renewal is an emergent issue, which is explicitly listed as one of the ten critical and urgent developmental goals for service sections by Taiwan government. Residents in the old communities urge to rebuild or redevelop their extant living space. The expectated market values will approximate 240 billion NT dollars. The area of urban region is less than 3% of earth; however, this area creates more than 80% carbon emission and modern construction has consumed 40% of earth energy. Human being is facing the dilemma of economic development or evniromental protection. Urbal renewal is a critical opportunity to increae the national competive advantage. Present study adopts a sandglass-like research appraoch by starting with a broad review, narrowing down to our research topic, deriving and testing hypothese and concluding with possible application of present study. Starting with the interplay between global and industrial trends and environemental protection consciousness, present study reviews the green environmental evaluation system and application of biomimetics. Drawing on need theory and several most representative cases, present study arrives at a conclusion that green living urban renewal is an irreversible trend. Examplifying with an urban renewal project in the urban area, present study surveyed and statistically analyzed the data. The implications are also discussion to provide relevant and localized solutions for Taiwan. Urban renewal facilitates the redevelopment of cities and improvement of citzens’ living experience. Green living urban renewal creates economic value and concern envioronmental protection. Green enviormental protestion is prerequisite and application of biomimetics is a solid bassis for value innovation. This is a enabling platform for technological development and innovation, Taken together, this can serve as a unique character and advantage for Taiwan.


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