  • 學位論文


Passive Magnetic Shielding System in ELF

指導教授 : 張陸滿


極低頻電磁場對於晶圓廠製成之良率有不良的影響,當製程低於28奈米,極低頻磁場對於製程與檢測設備之影響極大,因此晶圓廠針對易受極低頻磁場影響之設備,如電子顯微鏡SEMs、TEMs、STEMs、FIB writers、E-beam writers相關設備,強烈要求須在磁場強度低於0.3毫高斯的環境下運作,因此需透過主動或被動式磁場消除的方式,使環境磁場能低於0.3毫高斯以下。 本論文是專注在電磁波被動消磁系統研究,透過不同的性質,像是高導電率材料或是高導磁率的材料之間的組合以及包覆保護環境的箱體的形狀設計所組成。作法則是利用材料的特性,以導磁、渦電流、反射以及吸收等等的原理來對抗、削弱靠近的電磁波,並且在箱體的設計上作出最符合該材料的排列方式和形狀設計。 透過本論文裡實驗室架設之被動消磁系統,可將60赫茲、9.88毫高斯之環境雜訊場,消磁至0.5毫高斯,消磁率可達94.9%,對於9K赫茲也能達到95%以上的效能。 本論文將先行介紹目前對於電磁波的相關規範、被動式電磁波屏蔽所應用的原理以及材料特性的介紹,在軟體模擬材料的組合和設計後,以實驗的方式實際驗證最後的結果。


The extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field has significant impact on yield rate especially when the technical note reaches less than 14 nanometer in next-generation nano-Fab. For sensitive equipment such as the SEMs, TEMs, STEMs, FIB writers, and E-beam writers, it suggests that the ELF magnetic field should be lower than 0.3 milli-Gauss to guarantee good yield. Therefore, mitigating the magnetic field by active/passive approaches such as the material shielding, and active canceling are highly demanded. This study focuses on the development of a passive magnetic field shielding system which consists of two types of materials, conductor and high magnetic permeability metal alloys, combining the assembling of materials and design of shape of the shielding box. With the help of shielding material’s magnetic permeability, eddy current, reflecting and absorbing to mitigate the incoming electromagnetic field, the order of material in different order will also be considered to make the best shielding effect. Base on the experiments in this study, the prototype system is able to reduce the magnetic field intensity from 9.88mG to 0.5mG at 60Hz and reducing over 95% at 9K Hz. This thesis begins with the introduction of the regulations about EMI nowadays, the theory about passive shielding works, and the shielding material properties. After describing the simulation framework, experimental results are presented.


ELF EMI passive shielding


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