  • 學位論文


Enhancement of Autonomous Vehicle System with Underwater Acoustic Application

指導教授 : 陳琪芳


本文主要結合自主式載具與聲學儀器之水下聲學平台。利用加速度計、傾角感測器、電子羅盤、水壓計與溫度計模組提供載具水下之環境與姿態;當載具於水面上時有GPS定出所在位置,並藉上述之參數調整,對推進器進行航行軌跡控制、航向的校正及深度之調整。聲源方面以一軍規音鼓(TR-208A)作為換能器,當切換至主動式聲納的功能時配合訊號放大器,可將功能設定為單頻訊號或掃頻訊號的拍發,甚至可以拍發事先編寫好的訊號檔案;切換至被動式聲納的功能時,可做為水下麥克風進行水下噪音之量測與紀錄,亦可搭配應答器之功能,即時回送符合條件之訊號。 本載具採用美商國家儀器公司(National Instruments, NI)發展的LabVIEW為系統程式語言,其圖形化的程式設計語法縮短了撰寫的時間,並可透過人機界面進行快速的實驗監測。運動控制由NI自行開發的嵌入式裝置myRIO進行,藉著myRIO豐富的訊號通道進行參數之收集並調整推進器之輸出;聲學平台主要以工業電腦搭配資料擷取器進行聲學訊號的處理與儲存。 本研究於水槽進行自主運動及主被動聲納系統測試,提供實驗數據並提出相較於第一代載台精進之處。


In this reserch, we will study how to combine an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with an acoustic platform. The modules includes an accelerometer, electronic compass, hydraulic gage and thermometer which provide the underwater environmental conditions surrounding the vehicle and the disposition of the vehicle towards the AUV. GPS can mark the location of the vehicle when the AUV floats on the water surface; therefore, the vehicle adjusts the heading, depth and the path control of the propulsors by the GPS parameter. Using a military requirement electroacoustic transducer as the active SONAR, it can transmit single frequency signals, chirp signals or even prerecorded audio files. When it is switched over to the passive SONAR, it can measure the underwater ambient noise and return the signals transmitted by another sound source in real time. The programming language of this vehicle is LabVIEW, published by National Instruments (NI). Its programming syntax can cut down the coding time, and the man-machine interface can monitor the experiment quickly. The single-chip processor, myRIO, made by NI was used by the platform main controller because of its multi-channel and ease of use. The industrial computer is used to single process and store data on the acoustic platform. The AUV in this article was tested at the water tank in ESOE, NTU. The data of the AUV control and the SONAR application was batter than the fisrt AUV.


AUV Underwater acoustics Mobile source


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