  • 學位論文


Understanding the Effects of Residents’ Place Bonding on Perceived Tourism Impact

指導教授 : 鄭佳昆


國內的觀光產業正迅速的發展,而觀光產業在發展的同時除了能夠帶動國內各個旅遊與遊憩地點的經濟成長之外,也會對地方產生影響,因此觀光對地方帶來的影響正逐漸受到人們的重視,而面對這些影響首當其衝的,即是住在觀光地點的居民,因此了解觀光地區居民的觀光影響認知,是非常重要的事情。 有研究已指出居民的地方情感,以及其他的個人背景,如觀光利益、觀光依賴、居住地點,可能都會對於居住在觀光地點附近居民的觀光影響認知產生影響,而其中地方情感與觀光影響認知之間的關係在現有的研究上也同時具有正向以及負向的兩種結果:部份探討居民地方情感對觀光影響認知的研究指出,對於一個地方的情感越強,則對於觀光影響的認知越正面;但是也有研究認為地方情感越強,居民對於觀光影響的認知則會抱持負面看法。本研究認為,地方情感與觀光影響認知這些不一致的結果,可能是由於探討其關係時,沒有與其他可能也會影響觀光影響認知的個人背景一起討論,因此本研究認為,在探討地方情感與觀光影響認知之關係時,應該要對其他個人背景進行控制,以瞭解這些個人背景是否在這樣的關係上造成了什麼影響或是改變。 另外,由過去研究的整理可發現似乎地方情感的測量方法不同,則對於觀光影響認知的結果也會因而不同。相關研究中的地方情感測量方式,過去有研究使用量表來進行測量,也有使用居住時間來測量地方情感,而這些不同測量方式的地方情感,對於觀光影響認知似乎有不同的影響效果;過去以量表進行測量方式,其地方情感與觀光影響認知的關係大部分皆為正向相關或是無關;但使用居住時間進行測量的研究,其地方情感與觀光影響認知的關係多為負向,或是不相關。因此,本研究主要研究目的即是確認在不同因子的控制下,地方情感測量與觀光影響認知的關係,以及不同情感測量方式之間是否會造成地方情感連結與觀光影響認知有不同的關係。 本研究進行調查的時間為2017年3月,因應本研究主題選擇觀光活動興盛的深坑老街作為研究地點,並以當地居民為對象進行問卷調查;問項包括:地方連結、社區依附、觀光影響認知、以及受測者背景與相關控制變項,包括:觀光利益、觀光依賴、居住地點、居住時間。共獲得242個有效樣本。樣本回收後利用相關分析、迴歸分析來了解老街居民的地方情感對於影響認知之關係為何。 首先本研究利用地方連結量表測量結果,同時控制居民的觀光利益、觀光依賴、居住地點變項,以迴歸分析對觀光影響認知的影響。結果發現,地方連結對於觀光影響認知有顯著之正向影響,並且進一步發現控制變項中,只有觀光利益有顯著的影響。研究結果進一步指出觀光利益與地方情感連結有顯著交互作用,即覺得自己從觀光當中得到利益的居民,比起覺得自己沒有從觀光得到相關利益地居民來說,其地方連結越強的時候,則觀光影響認知越偏向正面;而當交互作用存在時,觀光利益的主效果即不復存在,顯示觀光利益的效果需要與地方情感連結共同才能發揮對觀光影響認知的影響效果。另外,使用不同測量方式進行測量的地方情感,包括地方連結、社區依附、居住時間,對於觀光影響認知的關係都是顯著的正向關係。但是針對這些不同測量方式的地方情感之間進行分析,可以發現居住時間似乎與其他兩個使用量表測量之地方情感是無關的,指出居住時間與量表測量之地方情感可能有本質上的不同。進一步分析也可以發現,量表測量的地方情感與居住時間對於影響觀光影響認知的構面並不完全相同。 本研究的結果暗示著地方情感(地方連結、地方依附)似乎還是影響居民觀光影響認知最重要的影響因素,而觀光利益的交互作用則會影響其間的關係,另外,觀光地區居民的居住時間雖然可以與觀光影響認知有某些關聯,但是居住時間似乎並不能完全代表地方情感。本研究結果對於地方情感在觀光地區規劃與管理上具有相當的價值;未來研究上仍需要繼續對地方連結與觀光認知的關係進行深入的探討。


The tourism industry is developing rapidly in recent years, which has improved local economy, but also impacts local communities and the residents. Therefore, it is important to realize residents’ perception of tourism impact. Some studies had suggested that residents’ place emotional bonding and other social demographic factors like tourism benefits, tourism dependency and spatial factors, might affect their perceived tourism impact. In recent studies, both positive and negative relationships were found between residents’ place emotion and perceived impact for tourism destinations. Such contradiction might due to the overlooking of other factors, like social demographic. The current study emphasized on some social demographic factors to understand the relation between place emotional bonding and perception of tourism impact. According to the literatures, using different methods to measure place bonding might bring about opposite results between place emotional bonding and perception of tourism impact. Most of the relationships were positive when using scale to measure place emotional bonding. By the contrast, the relationships were negative while using other measurements. Therefore, the aim of this study is to control the different factors, and use different methods to measure place emotion when exploring the relations of place emotional bonding and perception of tourism impact. An on-site survey was conducted in Shenkeng Old Street in March 2017, which is a tourism destination. Measured items included two emotional bonding scales (place bonding and community attachment), perception of tourism impact scale, and social demographic items (tourism benefit, tourism dependence, spatial factor, length of residence). Local residents of the old street and nearby area were interviewed. Total 242 valid samples were obtained. For the purposes of this study, data were analyzed in two parts. In the first part, regression analysis were used to understand the relationship place bonding and perceived tourism impact, while controlling tourism benefit, tourism dependence and residence statues. Results indicated that there is positive relation between place bonding and perception of tourism impact. And among the three demographic factors, only tourism benefit was found to have significant influence toward perceived impact. Tourism benefit was also found to significantly moderate the relationship aforementioned. The relationship between place bonding and perceived impact would be stronger for those who received benefit from tourism development. In the second part, the effects of place emotion on perceived tourism impact were compared between three different measures: place bonding, community attachment and length of residence. Results indicated that all three place emotion indices have positive effects on perceived impact. However, length of residence and other two place emotion measures (place bonding and community attachment) were not significantly related. Moreover, while place bonding and community attachment influence similar dimensions of perceived tourism impact, the dimensions that length of residence influenced were different. The study results imply that place emotion seems like the most important influence factor on residents’ perception of tourism impact, the interaction effect of tourism benefits will affect the relation between it. Furthermore, although length of residence had some effect on perception of tourism impact, but it seems to be very different from the other two place emotion measures. The results of current study would contribute to the management and planning of tourism destination, and further studies still need to try to explain these different results.


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