  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Automotive Industry

指導教授 : 湯明哲


隨著人工智慧的發展,各產業都在導入其應用,而汽車產業當然不落人後,其龐大的市場也吸引了科技巨頭跨足來尋找商機,而人工智慧的導入包含提升了車輛的安全性、製造流程的改善以及提升保固服務的品質,都讓車廠能提供更好的體驗給顧客,其中又以自動駕駛為目前人工智慧應用上擁有最大產值之一的項目,所以本文將透過研究自動駕駛目前現況以及個案分析的方式,來回顧汽車廠商如何發展自動駕駛以及給予未來發展上的建議。本研究首先透過文獻資料來說明人工智慧是透過哪些概念來達到深度學習,解釋為何目前使用 GPU 來處理視覺影像以及深度學習模型,以至於車廠紛紛結盟 GPU 廠商如 Nvidia 和 Mobileye 來發展自動駕駛技術。網路公司 Google、Uber、Baidu 及 Lyft 將在未來推動自動駕駛移動服務,將會改變人類的移動模式,而在新科技的發展下,本文運用價值鏈來分析價值鏈上廠商行為的變化、汽車產業的未來發展方向以及如何改變現有價值鏈上的利潤分配,並運用專利指標來探討廠商發展自動駕駛的程度,新加入的科技公司以及傳統供應鏈上廠商的合作與競爭關係,將會決定未來自動駕駛的發展。


With the development of artificial intelligence, its applications appear in many industries including automotive. Its huge market also attracts technology giants to find business opportunities, and the introduction of artificial intelligence includes improving vehicle safety、manufacturing process and warranty service quality, which allow the car manufacturers to provide a better experience to the customer. Autonomous driving is the largest value in the current artificial intelligence applications, so this research will study the current state of autonomous driving and review how automobile manufacturers develop autonomous driving. This study first uses literature to illustrate the expansion on artificial intelligence, and then explains why GPU is currently used to process visual images and deep learning models. As a result, OEMs are aligning GPU vendors such as Nvidia and Mobileye to develop autonomous driving. Internet companies such as Google、Uber、Baidu and Lyft will provide mobility service through self-driving car in the future, which will change the people lifestyle in the city. Under the development of new technology, this essay analyzes the behaviors of vendors in the value chain、 direction of the automotive industry in the future and the change of profit distribution in the existing value chain. The cooperation and competition between technology companies and OEMs will affect development of autonomous driving in the future.


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