  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 巫和懋


論文摘要 本論文旨在探討產業的進入策略,以賽局理論做競爭者的策略分析及進入者的策略選擇。 本研究利用產業分析的理論架構,多面向地去釐清我們所處的環境及競爭目標的範疇,並瞭解目標市場的競爭型態特性及動態發展變化,確認出關鍵成功因素,競爭對手和自我的優劣勢,尋找機會和利用策略優勢協助產業進入市場。 論文中並以台灣人工皮革產業為研究對象。 透過國內外相關產業的資料的蒐集及產業分析理論架構,分析2000年國際運動鞋品牌的新產品開發案時,市場既入者日本及韓國廠商與潛在進入者台灣廠商的競爭案例。 此案例敘述成熟的合成皮產業當轉型生產高階人工皮革進入品牌市場時,面臨不同的市場型態和強勢的競爭對手之際,如何利用賽局理論分析優劣策略,協助做進入決策之選擇。 本論文發現不僅是市場潛在進入者面臨進入障礙,即使市場既入者亦存有是否加入阻隔策略的兩難問題,並證實進入障礙是否能發揮作用取決於潛在進入者所擁有的資源及策略。


The entry strategy – Apply the Game Theory to Analyze Taiwan Synthetic Leather Industry This thesis apply the Game theory to probe the competitors’ strategy and assist the entrant in making a better strategy decision when enter a new business. This thesis also apply the analytical framework for the industry to identify the business landscape and the boundaries, to clarify the type of competition movement and the dynamics of the target market development, to find out the key success factors for the business and evaluate both the competitive advantage and the weakness among the rivals in the industry, as well to help the entrant to make the better entry strategy. The Taiwan synthetic leather industry is analyzed when it moves toward the global sporting brand footwear market. The data and information are collected from the abroad and local industries organization report to help this analysis. It also analyzes the reaction among the rivals Japan, Korea and Taiwan. This study discover that not only the entrant may struggle with the entry barrier, but also the preempted rival face the dilemma of carrying out the deterrence strategy or not. In addition, it proves the effectiveness of the entry barrier quietly depends on what resource and strategy the entrant own.


5. 台灣區合成皮工業同業公會資料,2003
2. Porter, Michael E. ”How competitive force shape
strategy” Harvard business review 57 (March –April
1979): 86-93
Satra information centre, 2003 report.


