  • 學位論文


The Marketing Strategies Analyses of Taiwanese Enterprises’Investment in China: Exports to the Domestic Changes of Artificial Leather Industry

指導教授 : 林志鴻 賴錦璋


本研究是分析中國台商傳產業之人造皮革製造業,在面對歐美金融海嘯後台商的外銷訂單大量減少、產能面臨過剩,產業如何配合中國政策開放及引導發展內需市場。經由各項策略的評估,找出外銷及內需市場的關鍵轉化因素,來制訂其競爭策略。藉由資料的蒐集歸納分析、個案的簡介,來應用為日後制定策略的參考。本研究採取個案探討的研究方法,透過國內外相關文獻,及次級資料的蒐集整理,經由分析探討,歸納結論如下: 一、 產業在面對外在環境的競爭,需考量一切外在條件的變化,適時找出符合環境變化的競爭策略。 二、 綜合內部環境及政府政策,產業環境與總體環境的評估,策略形成後,外銷及內需的平衡發展,方可持續產業成長達成企業目標,真正做到永續發展。


The research focuses how did Taiwan invested artificial leather industries in China develop strategies specifying on the Chinese domestic market. Under the condition that the global financial crisis shrank exported orders drastically and overcapacity, Taiwan capitals were enforced to re-estimate market situations and re-modify competitive devices in accordance with the Chinese governmental domestic openness and development policies. By the case study method, the author collected related second-hand literatures and concluded as below: Firstly, industries in a changing environment should dig out competitive strategies correspondent with external transformation. Secondly, a business strategy is an aggregate estimation for the internal environment, present governmental policies, the industrial situation, and the overall circumstance. Aftermath the strategy devised, only way to pursue sustainable development is neither neglect exported-oriented nor domestic-oriented performances.


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