  • 學位論文


A Comprehension of Perception of Human-Nature Experience and Health Benefits in Urban Green Space

指導教授 : 張俊彥


與自然接觸的研究通常與人類的健康和福祉有關。西方有關環境心理學的理論與概念如注意力恢復理論、壓力削減理論、景觀偏好等與東方環境觀點具其相似之處。親生命性設計的理論中,解釋人與自然最初地聯結及從中影響健康的因素;東方環境觀中的「氣」存在於生物圈中,也會影響人們的健康。目前少有研究將親生命性的設計概念轉為可被實際使用的量表以探討一般人是否能感知到親生命設計及其產生的健康效益。因此,研究目的為建立感知的親生命設計量表並預測景觀偏好和情緒體驗;整合東西方感知環境觀與心理健康相關的理論與操作性概念,以全面性地衡量人類如何感知環境特徵與其互動產生的心理健康(如:心流體驗、情緒體驗、幸福感)。 本研究涉及三個子研究:第一項子研究透過網路線上資料收集方式(有效總數為477份),發展感知親生命性量表 (perceived biophilic design scale, PBDs)以驗證從Kellert等人(2008)的概念提取到專家內容分析中所提出之親生命性設計問項,是否能轉換成後續之研究工具。第二項子研究同樣採用網路線上資料收集方式(有效總數為516份),加以整合與驗證東西方感知環境觀,並提出感知人與環境體驗量表(perceived human-nature experience scale, PHNEs);第三項子研究則進一步使用感知人與環境體驗量表驗證都市綠地環境中之特徵與心理健康的關係。 經過探索性因素分析與確認性因素分析,研究結果顯示親生命性設計包含七個構面與28個題項—(1) 進化中的人與自然關係 (evolved human-nature relationship, EHNR)、(2) 地方感(place-based relationship, PBR)、(3) 自然配置 (natural configuration, NC)、(4) 自然和變化過程 (nature and process of change, NPC)、(5)環境感知 (environmental perception, EP)、(6) 建築環境與自然的融合(sense of compatibility in built environment, SCBE) 和 (7) 空間和形式的自然設計 (natural design of spaces and forms, NDSF)—具良好收斂效度和判別效度,其累積解釋變異達64.348%,整體Cronbach's α值為 0.911。在感知人與環境體驗量表主要涵蓋兩個屬性—感知環境屬性包含六項因子,其平均累積解釋變異介於56.177%至66.832%與感知人與自然體驗包含四項因子,其平均累積解釋變異達介於55.703%至59.697%。此外,透過迴歸預測模型,感知人與環境體驗量表中的因子對景觀偏好 (R2=0.464)、熟悉度 (R2=0.218)、心流體 (R2=0.326)、愉悅 (R2=0.443)、喚醒 (R2=0.268)、和幸福感 (R2=0.262)等具有良好的解釋力。總體而言,本研究建構感知親生命性量表,並整合感知環境與人互動體驗之重要概念外,經統計檢定驗證都市綠地環境下之特徵能有效預測人與自然互動之心理健康感受。根據研究結果能作為解釋人與自然之間的動態關係以及提供設計替代方案的思維,並能從中建立未來設計之參考依據。


Research into contact with nature has often been linked to human health and well-being. Western views of related theories of environmental psychology, such as attention restoration theory, stress reduction theory, and landscape preference, entail similarities with Eastern views of how humans connect with nature (e.g., environmental Qi). These concepts and theories enrich our knowledge with natural design methods (i.e., biophilic design) of linking humans and nature via psychological and physical health. While research connecting and integrating these Western and Eastern views on landscape and health is scant, this research aims to connect and integrate the similarities and differences of each conceptual and related operational definition to measure how humans perceive urban nature with environmental characteristics and their health benefits. This research involved a three-phase study designed to explore perceived environmental attributes and human-nature experiences and to predict psychological well-being. The first study developed the perceived biophilic design scale (PBDs) with an online survey (valid total n = 477) to validate the PBDs items extracted from the conceptual and content analysis of Kellert et al. (2008). Another online survey of 516 valid data profiles was collected for the second and third studies. The second study examined environmental attributes and perceptions of human-nature experiences regarding environmental Qi, biophilic design, restorativeness, and landscape preference to understand the conceptual and statistical similarities and differences. The third study comprised four main sets of questionnaires concerning the environmental attribute perceptions of individuals regarding the effect of human-nature experiences and natural-based activities on flow experiences, as well as overall psychological health outcomes (e.g., emotion, happiness). With the conceptual analysis supported by the second study, the third study indicates a holistic perceived human-nature experience scale (PHNEs) and the relationship between the perceived environmental attributes and the psychological variables. The results of the study demonstrate seven phenomena—evolved human-nature relationship (EHNR), place-based relationship (PBR), natural configuration (NC), nature and process of change (NPC), environmental perception (EP), sense of compatibility in the built environment (SCBE), and natural design of spaces and forms (NDSF)—that were confirmed through exploratory factor analysis, with 64.348% of the cumulative variance and confirmatory factor analysis having good convergent validity and discriminant validity. The PBDs with 28 items had a Cronbach’s α of 0.911. The PHNE scale included two main aspects: perceived environmental attributes, including six factors and the cumulative variance, were between 56.177% and 66.832%, while perception of human-nature experiences within four factors and the cumulative variance were between 55.703% and 59.697%. Furthermore, the regression model of the factors in the PHNE scale well explained landscape preference (R2 = 0.464), familiarity (R2 = 0.218), flow experience (R2 = 0.326), pleasure (R2 = 0.443), arousal (R2 = 0.268), and happiness (R2 = 0.262). These results indicate that this study could be important in explaining the dynamic relationship between humans and nature, as well as provide alternative design thinking and methods with a better understanding of how urban nature provides health benefits related to human perception.


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