  • 學位論文


Discrete Data Encoding and Advantage of Quantum Noise in Quantum Reinforcement Learning

指導教授 : 管希聖




Machine Learning (ML) has been widely and deeply developed in recent years, in either academic domains or in real-world problem-solving. On the other hand, there is increasing emphasis on data analysis in many industries, in order to make effective summaries or predictions on certain issues; also, real-world problems needed to be solved have become more and more complex. These and other reasons lead to the demand for higher computing power; therefore, quantum computing draws considerable attention under this trend. The concept of quantum machine learning (QML) is the combination of ML and quantum computing. Under QML, the variational quantum circuit (VQC) architecture is highly discussed. VQCs are similar to classical neural networks (NNs), which are used as function approximators by tuning trainable parameters in the circuits, but they often need fewer parameters compared with classical NNs thanks to the quantum superposition and entanglement. Furthermore, both methods can also be combined in a model simultaneously, which is called a hybrid model. Hybrid models are considered to be popularly used in the era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) machines, and such devices are available now. In this thesis, we first investigate an important issue in QML, the data encoding, under the framework of deep reinforcement learning (DRL). In this part, we focus on the encoding of discrete data. Besides, we adopt the Deep Q-Learning (DQN) algorithm and replace classical NNs in DQN with hybrid models. We find that using quantum random access codes (QRACs) as the encoding methods brings effective results. Next, we generalize the architecture to environments with higher complexity, or with stochasticity, and the method is still feasible. Besides, to our knowledge dealing with stochastic environments is new in the hybrid-model DRL domain. Last, we import quantum noise from either noise models or IBM quantum devices in our simulations. We find that in either case, quantum noise can help the agent with exploration in DRL.


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