  • 學位論文


Scaffold's Safety Wi-Fi Wireless Monitoring System

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


施工架作為營造產業泛用的臨時性結構,經常在不同的營建階段進行組搭與拆裝,而施工架的組搭雖然有規範,但因其使用的即時性,且本質上並非主結構,使其組搭時常憑藉著工人的經驗,導致安全和品質管理不容易,進而導致施工架相關災害頻傳。過去幾屆的研究案已開發出數種具備實用潛力的施工架監測感測器及警報系統,可以在無線的情況下進行警示與傳輸數據供遠端監測使用。 本屆研究將承續前幾屆研究案開發的方向,為了突破原有設備的距離、資料穩定度和成本限制,本屆對通訊模式重新進行選擇,微控制器也進行調整開發,目標將單一監測模組設備和接線簡化,藉此達成穩定傳輸資料又能削減成本的目的。監測物理量依舊選擇和前屆相同的「與相連結構物間的距離」和「施工架立柱的傾角」,即為施工架的側位移及傾角,針對這兩種監測物理量,本研究使用紅外線測距儀、超音波測距儀搭配溫溼度模組來進行監測位移,獨立的測角陀螺儀來監測傾角,成品的原理與接線都十分簡約易懂,除了維護容易外,在實作附著於施工架上困難度亦較低。 本研究的設置不一定需要基站,每個微控制器可以獨立將偵測到的數值上傳,若有多跳傳送的需求,才有基站、終端的差別。監測頁面端則配置了ThingSpeak的網站來作為監測介面網頁進行即時監測,以圖表化的方式呈現讓管理者和任何施工、監測人員可以在第一時間對施工架的狀態進行動態,同時於手機上也有專屬的APP可以閱讀刷新圖表,達到即時監測的目的。另外有透過Line本身的開發人員選項發行使用者權杖,透過程式撰寫達成一旦監測數值超標便立刻通知綁定帳號的功能,進而達成全面的監測。


Scaffold is one of the most commonly used temporal structure. It is often assembled and disassembled at different stages of construction. Although the construction of the scaffold is standardized, there are also professionals to carry out structural inspections. Due to it’s not the main structure and the immediacy. Scaffold is often established barely base on the workers' experience, safety and quality management are not easy, which has led to frequent disasters. In the past research, several types of scaffold monitoring sensors and alarm systems have been developed, which can be used to remotely monitor and transmit data under wireless network. This research is going to inherit the development of previous research direction. In order to break through the limitations of previous research such as distance, data transmitting stability and cost of the original equipment, this researchis going to reconsider the Internet protocal, and the microcontroller is also adjusted and developed, by combine micro controller and the transmitting module, the wiring of all the network node will be simplified, and further to achieve the purpose of stable data transmission and cost reduction. The monitoring parameter will remain the same: "distance from connected structures" and "inclination angle of the scaffold column", which is the displacement and inclination angle of the scaffold. For these two monitoring parameters, this research uses infrared ranging Instrument, ultrasonic rangefinder with temperature and humidity module to monitor displacement, independent angle gyroscope and accelerometer to monitor inclination angle, the principle and wiring of the node are very simple and easy to understand, which has the benefit of easy maintenance, and also can be easily attached to the scaffold. The setup of this research does not require a coordinator, each microcontroller can upload the detected values independently. In this study, ThingSpeak website is configured as a monitoring interface web page for real-time monitoring, it can dynamically update the status of the scaffold at the first place. At the same time, there is also a dedicated APP on the mobile phone to read and refresh the chart to achieve the purpose of real-time monitoring by mobile device. In addition, by using the token published by “Line Notify”, we can ask microcontroller to send LINE message directly, and with the help of IFTTT, we can also connect our system to many widely used platform, such as Gmail, Instagram or LINE, and send the alarm message to those platform, so as to achieve comprehensive monitoring of the scaffold status.


WSN Monitoring system Arduino ESP module LoRa


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