  • 學位論文

外商銀行對於台灣中小企業授信服務、控管模式與 經營策略之探討

Study of Foreign Banks Manage Risk Practice and Business Strategy to Serve Small and Medium Size Enterprises in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊朝成


中小企業雖是台灣經濟發展不可或缺的穩定基礎,但因為本身財務透明度低、資產規模小、經營風險大等因素,造成中小企業不易取得銀行融資。儘管金管會大力推動「本國銀行加強辦理中小企業放款方案」,以實際行動獎勵銀行針對中小企業融資,一般銀行對中小企業銀行放款餘額,僅占全體總放款餘額17%。反觀,外商銀行近來投入資源,增設服務據點,紛紛成立服務台商大中華區域小組,積極購併以中小企業金融業務為主體的台資銀行,強烈搶攻台商企業金融商機的企圖心不可言喻。 本論文依循台灣企業發展變遷背景,探討外商銀行的授信服務與控管模式分析歸納如下: (一) 透過「客戶標準規範」與「信用接受標準規範」雙重授信機制,外商銀行得以「標準化」評估中小企業風險、「大量客製化」迅速回應客戶需求。加上預警小組落實貸後追蹤管理以及整體放款部位風險控管模式,能有效地防止銀行資產變質惡化,減少發生呆帳機率,最終降低銀行風險管理成本。 (二) 外商銀行運用全球運作策略模式,挾其國際化競爭優勢,切入中小企業金融市場,打造銀行成為企業金融平台,利用電子網路銀行幫助企業做好跨國資金管理,節省企業財務營運管理成本。深耕選擇之目標客戶,強化客戶關係管理,進行銀行產品共同行銷,協助企業全方位財富管理,增加客戶滿意度與忠誠度,達成銀行擴大非利息收益目的。 (三) 最後,台資銀行礙於大陸金融法規與兩岸政治因素無法登陸服務台商時,外商銀行有鑒於兩岸三地經貿快速成長趨勢與龐大投資發展商機,企圖經由整合大中華區(大陸、香港、台灣)銀行平台,成立台商專案服務小組,解決台商面臨資金不足、籌資困難窘境與佈局全球化需求,搶占華語市場先機,打入中國,準備迎接未來大中華經濟圈繁榮的時代來臨。 近年來,國內企業紛赴海外(大陸為主),致銀行對企業放款日益萎縮,希望在台灣銀行業遭受雙卡拖累之際,資源轉向中小企業及財富管理同時,本研究能提供銀行業者經營中小企業融資及提供其它金融服務時參考。


Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME) are always the key element for Taiwan Economic Development Growth. However, SME are difficult to get financial support from Banks due to their un-transparent financials, small asset/equity bases, high operating risks and etc. Although Taiwan Government provide incentives for Banks who are aggressively lending to SME, loans outstanding only accounted for 17% of total loans portfolio as at the end of 2006. While foreign banks show high interest on SME business in Taiwan and acquire/merge local banks mainly running SME business. Along with the industrial evolution of Taiwan SME, we study the business model of foreign banks to know how they program lending in mass-customer way. Customer Selection Criteria and Customer Acceptance Criteria are key mechanisms of standard process to pre-screen target customers and evaluate SME client credit rating. Through Early Warning detection and Portfolio Management, foreign banks can maintain good assets quality, decrease non-performing loan and prevent any cost of credit occurred in an early stage. Foreign banks approach SME market in Taiwan and out-compete local banks with the global strategy and international advantage. In addition, foreign Banks provide full range of banking service and cross border solution to help SME cope with challenges. By integration of multinational bank platform and customer management relationship, foreign banks offer the service of e-banking cash management, innovative banking products, and wealth management to strengthen customer relationship and to improve customer satisfaction. Foreign banks also focus on managing risk to reduce credit cost and cross-selling to enlarge fee income. Owing to the lucrative business opportunity among Taiwan Strait, foreign banks coordinate Great China banking platform and set up Taiwan Desk to provide financial service for Taiwanese companies, resolve their lending problem and accommodate needs of Taiwan SME affiliates in China. By entering into SME business in Taiwan, foreign banks actually take advantage and have good start for the future SME business in China. This thesis is to provide local banks for reference. Especially when they are still suffering losses resulted from cash card and credit card issues and further look for profits on developing wealth management and SME business opportunity.


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