  • 學位論文


A Study on Gender-Role Attitude, Family Values and Marital Satisfaction in Taiwan

指導教授 : 賴爾柔


本研究從最根本的「價值觀」與「態度」層面來探討是否對婚姻滿意度有影響,將「家庭價值觀」與「性別角色態度」納入研究變項中,以了解「家庭價值觀」與「性別角色態度」是否會影響臺灣民眾的婚姻滿意度,並提出四個研究目的:(ㄧ)瞭解臺灣已婚民眾之性別角色態度,家庭價值觀與婚姻滿意度的現況。(二)探討臺灣已婚民眾不同的個人背景與家庭因素是否在性別角色態度、家庭價值觀及婚姻滿意度上有差異。(三)探討臺灣已婚民眾的個人背景與家庭因素、性別角色態度與家庭價值觀是否與婚姻滿意度相關。(四)剖析個人背景與家庭因素、性別角色態度與家庭價值觀對婚姻滿意度的解釋力。本研究採次集資料分析法,運用中央研究院2006年所執行的「臺灣社會變遷基本調查計劃」第五期第二次調查【家庭組問卷】的資料,來分析1,269位已婚民眾的婚姻滿意度,分別採描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關與多元迴歸分析法驗證假設。 研究結果顯示:在婚姻滿意度方面,有超過八成的臺灣已婚民眾對於婚姻持滿意的態度,在性別角色態度部份,臺灣已婚民眾的性別角色態度平均偏傳統,在家庭價值觀部份,整體上亦平均偏傳統,其中,臺灣民眾的孝道觀念很強,很注重倫理孝道,在婚姻觀念與生養子女方面則部分有現代化的趨勢。此外,臺灣民眾的婚姻滿意度有顯著的差異來自於「性別」、「主觀的社經地位」、「結婚年數」、「子女數」以及「夫妻教育差」的不同。進一步探討發現「主觀的社經地位」、「夫妻教育差距」、「夫妻溝通情形」與「家庭價值觀」對「婚姻滿意度」皆有顯著影響,其中主觀的社經地位越高,則婚姻滿意度越高;妻子教育程度高於丈夫者的婚姻滿意度低於丈夫教育程度高於妻者;夫妻溝通越多,則婚姻滿意度越高;家庭價值觀越現代,則婚姻滿意度越低。而這些因素對婚姻滿意度有16.4%的解釋力。而已婚民眾的「性別角色態度」與「婚姻滿意度」無顯著相關與影響。最後本研究根據研究發現提出對臺灣民眾與未來的研究者相關建議。


This research aims to investigate marital satisfaction in Taiwan from the most fundamental human attitude and values. There are four research purposes : (a)to explore the sex-role attitude, family values and marital satisfaction of married Taiwanese people nowadays. (b)to investigate whether the married Taiwanese people with different personal background and family factors would differ in sex-role attitude, family values and marital satisfaction. (c)to investigate whether the personal background and family factors, sex-role attitude and family values of married Taiwanese People are correlated with their marital satisfaction (d)To investigate how many explanatory powers of personal background, family factors, sex-role attitude and family values of married Taiwanese People could explain marital satisfaction. This research adopts secondary data collected by Academia Sinica, to analyze the marital satisfaction of the 1,269 married Taiwanese people, using SPSS software to carry out some statistics analyses, which are: Descriptive Statistics, T Test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression. The analysis of the research indicates that for the marital satisfaction, more than 80% married Taiwanese are satisfied with their marriage. Married Taiwanese people’s sex role attitude is prone to be more traditional; for family values, the married Taiwanese people are also prone to be more traditional. Taiwanese are filially pious, and puts a large importance on family values. For concepts of marriage, giving birth and raising a child, there shows behavior of Taiwanese couples becoming fairly modern. Different factors could significantly cause different marital satisfaction such as: gender, subjective social status, years of marriage, number of children, and the education gap between husband and wife. The research also found that social status, education gap, communication situation, and family values would significantly influence marital satisfaction. The higher the subjective social status of a person is, the higher the level of marital satisfaction is. The level of marital satisfaction could also depend on the education gap between husband and wife. If the wife has a higher education level, the satisfaction level would be lower than if the husband had a higher education level. Marital satisfaction would naturally be higher if the husband had a higher education than the wife. The more married couples communicate, the higher the rate of marital satisfaction. If the husband or wife lives by the more traditional concept of family values, then the rate of satisfaction would be higher. All of these contributing factors would have a 16.4% effectiveness to explain the different cases of marital satisfaction. Nevertheless, married Taiwanese people’s sex role attitude has little or no significant influence on marital satisfaction. Finally, to all researchers, the government and citizens of Taiwan, This research would conclude with a word of advice to all whom is concerned.


胡正文(2010)。性別的社會建構 ----婚姻的「內在」與「外在」。2010 年通識教育學術研討會。中華醫事科技大學,未出版,台南市。
