  • 學位論文


A spatial analysis of the geographic distribution of substitute teachers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 賴進貴


近年來,我國師資培育的供給與需求出現嚴重失衡。開放政策使得師資來源和數量大幅提高,而少子化現象使得教師需求急遽降低,引發儲備教師過量問題。與此同時,國民教育現場卻面臨內部正式教師人力不足,大量增聘短期代理教師的困境,對校務推動、學生學習、師生互動皆有不良影響。以往師資缺乏問題僅出現在偏鄉學校,如今這樣的問題逐漸蔓延到都會地區學校。針對此師資短缺與流動問題,本研究透過地理學的原理和方法,探討臺灣代理教師區域分布的空間特性,並嘗試找出造成區域差異的原因。研究者利用2010年戶口普查、教育部2011~2013年教育統計等資料,利用地理資訊系統 (GIS) 空間分析及階層線性模式(hierarchical linear modeling,簡稱為HLM)等工具,加入過去社會科學文獻中所忽略的因素,檢視教師穩定性是否存在空間的關聯性。研究發現,北部代理教師比例高於南部地區,偏遠山區高於平地,尤其以國民小學更為明顯;而在空間關連性上,國民小學和國民中學的代理教師比例皆呈現空間自相關;最後,影響區域差異的原因透過統計方法及深度訪談驗證,發現與學校規模、學校教師年齡、地方生育率、地方教育政策等因素密切相關。希望此一研究成果能增進我們對代理教師現象的瞭解,並有助於提出因應對策。


The imbalance between teacher supply and demand is becoming serious recently in Taiwan. The open policy of teacher training results in dramatic increase of teacher number, while continuous low birth-rate reduces the demand of teachers. In the mean times, K-12 schools are commonly facing shortage of formal teachers, thus recruiting a large number of substitute teachers and resulting in adverse effects. Previously the lack of formal teachers only occurred at schools of remote areas. Yet, such problem is gradually spreading to urban schools in recent years. The purpose of this study is to explore the geographic distribution of substitute teachers and reasons causing regional difference. Using educational statistics from Ministry of Education from 2010 to 2013 and census data of 2010, the author examines the spatial association of teachers’ stability with geographic information system (GIS) and Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). The study showed that the substitute teacher ratio in northern Taiwan is higher than the southern areas, mountain areas higher than plains areas, particularly in the elementary school. The substitute teacher ratio of elementary school and junior high school have the characteristics of spatial autocorrelation. Finally, by statistical methods and in-depth interviews, the study found that the impact factors of regional differences associated with school size, teachers age, total fertility rates, local education policy and other factors. This study is expected to improve our understanding of the phenomenon of substitute teachers and provide reference for a better policy making.


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