  • 學位論文


Assessment of Textile Industrial Transformation of Producing Textile Products from Recycling Waste Fishing Nets

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


廢棄漁網為對海洋環境造成嚴重破壞的海洋廢棄物之一。我國廢棄漁網大多進焚化處理,僅少數進行回收再利用,係由於當今之政策與思維並無法有效地讓廢棄漁網的回收再利用量提升。然而廢棄漁網仍有回收再利用的價值,以廢棄漁網回收再利用作為紡織原料,可減少石油原物料價格上漲之威脅,亦促使我國紡織業轉型以符合全球紡織趨勢。因此本研究係分析紡織業轉型後對於整體紡織品業是否可創造經濟與環境價值,同時是否可作為廢棄漁網回收再利用之驅動力。 本研究方法透過建立我國廢棄漁網廢棄物投入產出模型(WIO),得到之廢棄漁網回收量作為兩個新增產業:再生化學材料業、再生紡織品業之最終需求與技術係數推估,以建立擴大至54個產業之投入產出模型(IO)。而後透過紡織轉型三種策略因子:焚化稅費用、產品創新、技術創新組成七種情境假設之模擬,以探討我國紡織轉型對於整體經濟、整體紡織產業的環境與經濟影響,包含產業關聯效果、原物料使用量、整體紡織品業與整體經濟之總成本與附加價值效果分析。 效果分析結果為提升焚化稅費用與提升產品創新皆可降低整體紡織品業與整體經濟之總成本,亦可創造附加價值、促使石油原物料使用量下降之效果,而提升技術創新則對經濟與環境產生的效果不大。由於廢棄漁網數量少,對於紡織轉型效果有限,使得廢棄漁網回收再利用驅動力不大。未來可朝向多種廢棄物共同處理並作為紡織品物料,將更有利於紡織轉型並增加廢棄漁網回收再利用之驅動力。


Waste fishing net is one of the major problems in the ocean environment. It is rarely recycled in Taiwan because there is no strong economic driving force for recycling waste fishing nets. However, recycling waste fishing net to produce textile can reduce the impact of high international oil price, promote textile industry to transform in Taiwan, and meet the global textile industry trend. The analytical method includes two model, Waste Input-Output Analysis (WIO) and Input-Output Analysis (IO). This study establishes waste fishing net WIO and 54-industry IO. Steven scenarios of textile industrial transformation are consisted of three factors: incineration tax, product innovation and technology innovation. These scenarios are for assessing the economic and environmental impact in Taiwan, which contain inter-industry linkage effect, raw material demand, total cost, value-added of the textile industry and macro-economic effect. The result of this study is that increasing the incineration tax or product innovation can reduce the total cost and the raw material demand and increase value-added. No significant differences are observed in the scenarios of increasing technology innovation. However, comparing to the textile industry, recycling textile industry is so small that the textile industrial transformation has little effect on itself, macro-economic, as well as the driving force of the recycling waste fishing nets. So, this recycling system may be improved by recycling with other wastes in the future.


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