  • 學位論文


An evaluation of a revisal packing operation:A case of traditional textile industry plant

指導教授 : 呂志維


隨著19世紀的工業革命,機器逐漸取代人力作業,到了21世紀自動化的生產更是被大量導入工廠的生產線中,但仍有許多因設施規劃、產品特性或是經費等問題仍須仰賴人力從事產品包裝的作業,使肌肉骨骼傷害事故仍然會發生。KIM-LHC檢核表為潛在肌肉骨骼傷害評估工具,本研究對某傳統紡織廠的絲餅包裝作業進行評估,其結果顯示為第三級-中高負載作業,須對此作業進行改善。而在一般工廠的改善建議幾乎都以不需增加成本的方式進行作業高度與角度等的改善,較少針對集裝箱本身的深度與其改善之高度與角度之間的關聯性去探討改善的方案,因此本篇研究將探討在考慮集裝箱深度下而進行的高度與角度之改善方式。   本研究設計一種可改變高度與角度的輔助升降台,並透過模擬包裝作業的實驗評估改善前後的差異,實驗過程將集裝箱以7種不同的放置方式呈現,分別為改善前的水平放置,及兩種改善方案-傾斜放置與輔具放置,並以3種角度呈現(30度、45度、60度),同時將集裝箱的深度與長度各分為3部分,探討不同放置方式與位置對於受測者的作業效率與生理變化量的關係。實驗共招募15位男性受測者,以肌電訊號放大器、動態關節角度計與Borg-10蒐集受測者在進行作業時的豎脊肌肌電訊號、脊椎彎曲角度的變化量與主觀知覺費力評量。   實驗結果在使用輔具升降台時,受測者的各項生理心理數據均有改善的趨勢,其中當受測者使用60度輔具放置時有最好的改善效益,此方案以KIM-LHC檢核表評估第二級-中等負載作業,而傾斜放置的評估結果仍維持在第三級,改善效益並不如使用輔具的方案。另外在不同角度的評估中,水平至45度之間的放置有較大的肌肉訊號及彎曲角度,在45度與60度之間則反之,而當作業位置越接近軀幹,生理訊號與作業時間均會下降。透過本研究的實驗結果顯示,輔具升降台的使用確實能改善類似的揀貨放置作業,且以45度與60度之間的角度放置有較好的改善效益。


Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 19th century, the machines have gradually replaced the usual work done by human. Many factories have used automated production system in their production line. Unlike others which have applied automated operation, many packaging operations are still relied on manual human work and these situations could lead to the occurrence of the musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study was conducted in a cake packing operation in the traditional textile factory to evaluate packaging operation. To evaluate the potential risk of MSDs, KIM-LHC checklist was used. Results showed that the current packaging operation was in Level 3 which indicated that it needs improvement. To minimize the potential risk of MSDs, this study identified that the container needs improvement. To investigate the optimum design of container, a set of experiment was conducted involving three factors i.e. the depth, height and angle of the container. An assistive device was designed to modify and investigate the optimum height and angle of container. A number of 15 male subjects was involved for the experiment and their EMG of erector spines, spines bending angle and RPE scale were measured. The experiments aim to evaluate the physiology and efficiency of the subjects with different display type and position. Subsequently, this study evaluated the differences before and after of the packing operation improved by an assistive device. Results showed that the physiology and psychology of subjects were improved with the use of assistive device. When the assistive device set in 60°tilted angle, the results showed the best improvement. This improvement by was shown by Level 2 compared to the current operation in which it just involved tilted improvement which resulted in Level 3. In the evaluation of different display angles, a 0° to 45°has larger EMG value and bending angle than 45°to 60° .The physiology and operation time decreased when the position closed to the trunk. According the result, the assistive device which being used to improve the packing is optimum and the best benefit when using the angle between 45°to 60°.


10.傅建騏,2016,餐飲業不同托盤端舉方式之人因工程分析,中原大學工業與系統工程研究所學位論文, 1-109。
