  • 學位論文


Ergonomic analysis of different ways of lifting serving tray in catering industry

指導教授 : 呂志維


現在台灣社會,服務業佔全產業第一,民以食為天,服務業多數與餐飲相關。台灣餐飲業中,在正職或是兼職中人員比例,多數以外場服務人員居多,外場服務人員需長時間的站立、走動與手部提舉,多數餐飲業會使用托盤進行各種客人所需之服務。 本研究目的為考量到目前餐飲業端舉托盤常用的方式,探討對餐飲服務人員較低負荷的方式。希望能減輕他們的手臂肌肉負荷,因此我的研究將會著重在利用RPE主觀負荷評量與EMG肌電量測來找出一個使受試者較省力的托盤端舉方式。針對單手端舉托盤的方式進行兩個階段的實驗,第一階段先對30位受試者進行主觀知覺負荷評量(Rated Perceived Exertion Scale, RPE Scale),將受試者所填答的分數進行統計分析,結果出來便可觀察出受試者在端舉托盤時,端舉的方式不同、桌面高度不同及不同重量調整下影響受試者主觀的施力程度。接著再從做過第一階段實驗的受試者中抽出20位,進行第二階段之實驗,第二階段實驗會利用肌電(Electromyography, EMG)為第一階段實驗佐證,蒐集受試者在托盤端舉動作時手臂之肌群,包含手腕伸指總肌、二頭肌及三角肌的肌電訊號。 各項組合發現主觀知覺負荷評量男女皆受重量與托盤端舉方式有顯著差異,三種肌肉皆會因為重量有顯著影響,手腕伸指總肌雖只對重量有顯著差異但平均%MVC較高,顯示手腕伸指總肌為負擔最重之肌肉、二頭肌會受端舉方式有顯著差異,三角肌則是女性在桌面高度不同時有顯著差異。綜合兩實驗結果顯示,當受試者在端舉較重托盤時,男性受試者使用後托有最低的RPE分數與%MVC的值,女性受試者則是側托與桌面高度在120CM有最低的RPE分數與%MVC的值,兩者皆是低托在有重量的情況下,對RPE分數與%MVC的值低托最高,故男女最適合之組合有些許不同。肌電圖與RPE所顯示出的結果,差異不大。


In Taiwan society, services become the most prominent area out of all industries, and most of them are related to the catering industry. In these industries, most of the full-time and part-time employees work as waiters. In most of the restaurants, waiters need to stand, walk and lift the trays during their job time to provide services for their customers. This research reviews the way of how the waiters carrying the tray and discuss how to change it in order to make it more efficient, thus reducing the weight on their arm muscles. This research focuses on using RPE and EMG to find an effective way for the participants to hold the tray. It focuses on holding the tray one-handed in two research stages. The first stage is to let 30 participants do the Rated Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale and analyze the statistics to determine the differences in how they hold the tray. The height of the table and the weight of the tray also affect the participants. In the second stage, we select 20 out of the 30 participants randomly and use Electromyography to validate the data we collect on the first stage. We also collect the electromyographic signal from the muscles of the participants (including deltoid, biceps and extensor digitorum communis) when they are holding the tray. Based on the results of RPE for both male and female, the differences in the tray weight and holding techniques have big impacts on the muscles. The extensor digitorum communis only reacts to weight, but the average MVC percentage is high. Hence, it reveals that the extensor digitorum communis carries the most weight. We also found that biceps react to different lifting techniques and deltoids react differently when female participants facing different table heights. Combine with the two results, when the tray is heavy, male participants have the lowest RPE and MVC percentage; when holding behind the tray, females have the lowest RPE and MVC percentage; and when holding the body-side of the tray with 120 cm table (holding the tray low), both sexes have the highest RPE and MVC percentage. Therefore, the most suitable way for both sexes might be slightly different. Hence, the results of EMG and RPE are pretty similar to each other.


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