  • 學位論文


Evaluation of The Psychological Utility of Natural Design in the Workplace

指導教授 : 陳惠美


世界衛生組織指出工作壓力嚴重影響員工健康和企業效能,因此企業對壓力管理計劃投入了大量資源,其中辦公空間之改善為其中一項有效策略。現今上班族大多數時間都待在室內工作,辦公室療癒環境設計遂成為當代重要課題。大量研究也證實辦公室自然景觀確實能減輕人們壓力,引發正向情緒(如愉悅、寧靜、放鬆等)和降低負面情绪,同時,人類對自然有與生俱來的偏好,一部分原因也是自然能提供人們從壓力中恢復的能力。因此如何引介自然改善辦公環境對企業主而言是一項「智能投資」。 辦公室自然景觀根據空間位置不同,可分為窗景、桌面盆栽、地面盆栽以及牆面裝飾四類。然而,過去研究多就單一或兩種室內自然引介方式進行評估。實際上,上述辦公環境的自然設計方式應是多重方案組合,而非僅能單一存在。聯合分析是利用周詳的實驗設計,以假設之各種替選方案,供受測者依偏好或知覺程度加以排序或給予評值,建立心理選擇模式,以了解各屬性及屬性水準對受測者的相對重要性,並找到最佳之組合方案。因此本研究將利用聯合分析法,對辦公室自然設計方案之心理效用進行評估。此外,不同類型上班族對辦公室自然景觀之方案偏好與心理效用可能不同,性別、年齡、職業類別等個人特性也會影響自然景觀之效益,需要了解不同上班族群之心理效益。 本研究共選取窗景內容、桌面盆栽內容、地面盆栽數量、牆面裝飾內容4個屬性,共16個水準,組成25個替選方案,利用模擬圖片以舒壓感受、愉悅情緒、平靜情緒以及偏好四類知覺感受對上班族進行評值調查。研究結果顯示,四類心理效益間,重要的屬性並不完全相同。最影響舒壓感受之屬性為窗景內容,其當窗景為都市公園景觀時,壓力感受值最低。而對愉悅情緒、平靜情緒及偏好,相對重要性最高之屬性為牆面裝飾;影響愉悅情緒之最佳效用牆面裝飾水準為自然景觀壁畫,對於平靜情緒,最佳效益之牆面裝飾水準則為無牆面裝飾;而對於偏好來說,最佳效用之牆面裝飾水準為自然藝術掛畫。辦公室自然景觀對不同個人特性上班族群之屬性重要性也不完全一致。


According to the World Health Organization, stresses from work seriously affects employee health and business effectiveness. Therefore, enterprises have invested a large number of resources in stress management programs, and the improvement of workspace design is one of the effective strategies. Nowadays, office workers spend most of their time working indoors, the natural environment design of a workspace has become an important topic. Numerous studies have shown that the natural environment of a workspace can relieve stress, trigger positive emotions (such as pleased, calm, relax, etc.), and reduce negative emotions. Also, people have an inherent preference for nature because nature can provide human beings the ability to recover from stress. Therefore, providing a natural environment in the office is a "smart investment" for business owners. The natural environment design of a workspace can divide into four categories: window view, desktop potted plant, floor potted plant, and wall decoration. Past studies mostly evaluated one or two indoor natural design methods; however, the natural environment design of a workspace should be a combination of multiple solutions, rather than just a single existence. The conjoint analysis is the use of a detail-designed experiment to let individuals to rank or value various plans according to their preference or perception and to establish a psychological selection model, to understand the relative importance of different levels attributes and find the best combination. Therefore, this study uses the conjoint analysis method to evaluate the psychological utility of natural design in the workplace. Also, different types of office workers may have different preferences and psychological effects. Personal characteristics such as gender, age, and occupation, may also affect the utility of natural design. It is needed to understand the psychological benefits of different working groups. This study selected 4 major attributes, including window view, desktop potted plant, floor potted plant, and wall decoration content. The number of plants on the floor and the content of wall decoration, totally 16 levels, and 25 combinations were simulated.. Office workers were asked to valued the simulated pictures in 4 types of perception, stress relief, pleased, calm, and preference. The result shows that the important attributes are different among the four psychological benefits. The attribute that most affects the relieve of stress is the window view content; when the window view is an urban park landscape, the pressure perception value is the lowest. For pleased, calm, and preference perception, the wall decoration is the most important attribute. The best effect on the pleasant emotion is the natural landscape mural; for the calmness emotion, the best attribute is no wall decoration; and the natural art painting affects the preference the most. The natural design of workspace is not completely consistent with the attributes of the different personal characteristic.


危芷芬譯,McAndrew, F. T.著,(1995),環境心理學,台北市:五南圖書。
