  • 學位論文


Assessment of PPGIS by Actor-Network Theory - A Case of the PPGIS Implementation in Meinung Yellow Butterfly Valley

指導教授 : 蔡博文


本研究運用行動者網絡理論 (Actor Network Theory, ANT) 的觀點,以美濃黃蝶翠谷之公眾參與地理資訊系統 (Public Participation GIS, PPGIS) 案例為主要分析個案,建構以 ANT 為主體的 PPGIS 檢視方法,並以1992-2007年美濃社區發展的相關文獻及2007-2008年間黃蝶翠谷 PPGIS 工作坊中的群眾討論記錄為文本,檢視社區在不同階段的行動者網絡組成。本研究嘗試結合權益關係人與行動者的概念,配合政治尺度概念來建構社區發展議題中的行動者圖像,並利用:控制、技能、資金與資訊等四個向度,作為各階段的轉譯分析基礎,同時以資源提供者 (input resources)、權責行動者 (accountable Actors) 與接受方 (recipients) 等概念,用以區分不同行動者的屬性關係,釐清各階段社區行動者網絡之轉變,共獲得以下三點結論: 一、由於ANT能夠突顯PPGIS運用於社區時的網絡化特徵,對於PPGIS的進行所促成之社區賦權進行細緻的分析。 二、ANT以行動者的概念來描述與分析在社區網絡中非人單元的影響,協助研究者清楚地界定PPGIS 網絡中的行動者的角色、動能與互動關係。 三、透過分階段的行動者網絡比較,ANT清楚地描繪了PPGIS作為社區OPP角色與附帶的轉譯協商機制,及其所促成的新社區決策網絡。


This study employed the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) to assess a Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) case in Meinung community Kaohsiung (Yellow Butterfly Valley) in Taiwan. An analytical framework of PPGIS by ANT was built. In order to assess the PPGIS project, the actors and networks of the Meinung community before the introduction of the PPGIS project were also analyzed by literature and document analysis. This study combined concepts from stakeholders and actors, and considered politlical scale to delineate the role of actors’ agency in community development. Martin’s (2000) “Network Diagram” which includes control, technology, money and information was adopted to trace the actor-network interactions. Further, this study used “input resources”, “accountable actors”, and ”recipients” to distinguish the relationships among different actors in different time periods. Using this framework and hypothesis, this study was able to analyze the change and the effects after using PPGIS in the community development issues. We can observe there are three conclusions from this study. 1. ANT is able to delineate and evaluate the social and technological interactions involved in a PPGIS implementation. 2. ANT can represent the network morphology when implement PPGIS in communities, and help researchers to clarify the roles, agency, and interactions of actors in community PPGIS decision making process. 3. The role of a PPGIS as a public consensus formation is corresponding to “obligatory passage point” in ANT.


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