  • 學位論文


The Study of Using Public Participation Geographic Information System in Indigenous Mapping

指導教授 : 蔡博文


透過部落地圖記錄部落傳統文化及傳統知識,已成為目前用來保存原住民族無形資產之重要應用方法之一,繪製過程主要為將在地知識轉化為資訊,而首要面臨的課題包括以下兩點: 1. 如何避免外來者及專家的干預,減少利用由上而下或深度訪談的方式取得資訊,促進群體內資訊互動與資訊溝通。 2. 如何利用新的科技或工具協助使用者,在知識轉化的過程中將傳統知識轉成資訊並加以記錄。 針對以上兩項課題,本研究將探討如何運用參與式地理資訊系統以及視覺化的設計方式作為資訊溝通及記錄的平台,並達到促進參與公共事務及互動討論之目的。 研究過程中,選擇新竹縣尖石鄉馬里光部落、司馬庫斯部落以及屏東縣牡丹鄉高士部落作為觀察對象,以目前的地理資訊系統平台進行實地操作。待操作及觀察結果整理與分析後,再進一步進行實際系統開發工作,發展出一套含有互動式的3D操作平台,讓使用者能觀看所展示物體畫面並提供即時記錄的功能。本研究經過實地操作及相關理論評估後,認為此平台能有效地促進群體資訊互動以及提高知識轉化的速度,並結合相關多媒體功能協助儲存多樣化的傳統知識體系,繪製出完整的部落地圖。


At present, taken down the traditional culture and knowledge of indigenous communities by drawing the indigenous mapping has become one of the important applicable method in the world. Through the interactive system to transform the knowledge into information and record it is the mainly process of mapping, in which has two principal points as follow: 1.Avoid the intervention of the outside one and experts, and diminish using the bottom-up method or in-depth interview to get information, in order to encourage the interactions and communities between groups. 2.Utilize new technologies like GIS and GPS to give assistance to user during the course of transforming the traditional culture and knowledge into information and recording it. In the light of the above two principal points, we will discuss how to make a platform of communication and record by PPGIS and visualization ,then go a step further to achieve the goal promoting the participation of public theme and interactive communications. In this research, we choose Maliqwan tribe and Smangus tribe of Jianshih Township in Hsinchu County, and Kuskus tribe of Mudan Township in Pingtung County as case study. After arranging and analyzing the data, we carry system developing that has interactive 3D platform out, in which user can view the display object and record knowledge instantaneously. After operations on the spot and analysis of relevant theories, we believe the platform created in this research can promote the efficiency of interactions of information, and improve the speed of knowledge transformation, moreover combine the function of relevant multimedia and assist to store diversified traditional knowledge, then draw out the intact indigenous mapping.


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