  • 學位論文


Recovering the Lost Ryohen Tribe:A study of historical memory and living space

指導教授 : 劉可強


近年各部落開始規劃著如何促進部落觀光、興建大型建設及硬體設備,然而,在全球化、現代化之影響,傳統文化漸漸勢微,又必須吸引遊客前來,並提供大量的旅遊需求,讓各部落相互競爭、相互模仿,使得同性質部落越來越多,原住民文化也越來越商業化。我們更應該回歸到部落文化的源頭,內化「自我文化價值」,增加文化的認識及認同,重塑地方文化的獨特性及豐富性,如此才能使其生活脈絡、文化的蘊含與特質、地方特性等,得以繼續傳承下去。 1958年,一個泰雅族的部落─Ryohen(流興),全部落決議遷至今日之Ropwe(金岳)部落,遷村後除了土地、產業、經濟等問題接踵而來,傳統文化更面臨衰退之危機。觀看舊部落空間含有祭祀、慶典、生命禮儀、生活、娛樂等文化意涵,如今,舊部落卻埋藏在荒煙漫草中,破壞了族人一向遵循的Gaga律法,也切斷了傳統文化的延續。 因此,本研究透過訪談當地耆老、居民及專家學者,以及至Ryohen(流興)進行現地探勘及田野調查,並藉由文獻回顧相互整合、印證,瞭解llyung Klesan(南澳群泰雅族)之遷徙史,勾勒出各部落之關係位置與特殊性,並在不同時期的事件中產生之不同角色定位、功能與其對外關係,進而建構Ryohen(流興)部落之文化、生活、空間之記錄與生命經驗。將其記錄作為文化傳承之基礎,及與舊部落搭起橋梁之關鍵,更促進舊部落空間再利用之契機,未來規劃成為Ropwe(金岳)部落獨特之文化及產業發展,甚至影響至其他部落,保存南澳山區珍貴的文化資產與再發展計畫。


In recent years, many tribes have begun to plan on how to promote tribal tourism, and to build large-scale constructions and hardware facilities. However they must also attract tourists and meet a large number of tourism demands under the impact of gradual decline of traditional culture due to globalization and modernization. The tribes compete and imitate each other, resulting in an increasing number of tribes which have become similar and a more commercialized. For this reason, we should return to the origin of tribal culture, internalizing “value of self-culture,” enhancing culture recognition and identify, and reshaping the uniqueness and abundance of local culture in order to pass on their life context and cultural inheritance. In 1958, one Atayal tribe, Ryohen, resolved to move the entire tribe to today’s Ropwe tribe. However the migration was followed by problems in land, property and economy while their traditional culture faced a crisis of decline. In view of the old tribal space, it was filled with cultural contexts such as worship, celebration, ritual, life, and entertainment, and yet the old tribe is now buried in desolation and grass, breaking the Gaga laws always abided by the tribes and cutting off the continuation of traditional culture. For this reason, the study conducted interviews with local seniors, residents, and scholars while undergoing field survey in Ryohen. The study aims to understand the migration history of llyung Klesanoutline and to outline the position and uniqueness of tribes through mutual integration and proof of literature review. An attempt is made to construct records of culture, life, space and life experience of Ryohen tribe based on the different character position, function and their external relations resulting from various events in different periods of time. These data will be recorded as a foundation to cultural heritage and the key to bridging with the old tribes, which will further increase the opportunities of old tribal space reuse. By preserving this space as the unique cultural and industrial economic development of Ropwe tribe for the future, it will consequently have impact on other tribes in preserving the precious cultural assets and redevelopment plans for the Nangogo community.




吳培元(2014)。宗教信仰變遷對部落組織與空間的影響 ─以llyung Klesan 的Rgayung部落為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00336
