  • 學位論文


XiJou Tribe Is My Homeland─ The Urban Tribe Life and Strength of Aboriginal Children and Youth

指導教授 : 陳毓文


1980年代台灣都市開發吸引原鄉部落族人,聚集打造都市部落、在此生根;然面臨文化衝擊、城鄉差距和弱勢族群地位、都更拆遷等挑戰,兒少往往面對各樣生存壓力,但他們卻最需要安定、安全與愛的環境。 優勢觀點能深入獨特的脈絡和經驗,其重要原則之一為「社區是資源的綠洲」;都市部落即其所在社區,本研究選擇溪洲部落,由於其曾面臨拆遷危機,但族人團結抵抗,如今爭取規畫為文化園區,突顯其各項優勢。 透過質性研究方法,深入訪談並輔助參與觀察,深入了解都市部落兒少的生活脈絡經驗和需求、與部落和成人的關係,並探詢其想望及優勢力量。研究採優勢架構,期待提供對都市部落兒少處境的另一觀點,也藉此提供溪洲部落兒少發聲機會;彙整後成為相關單位發展更適切都市原住民兒少脈絡服務、以及都市部落思考未來發展的參考。 研究結果與結論以優勢架構整理: 一、 兒少在溪洲部落的成長軌跡:部落集體生活經驗是其資產;而兒少發展出雙元文化認同,但也有污名認同危機等。 二、 成人在兒少部落生活中的角色:帶來支持,並激發社區參與,家庭關係也形塑個人優勢與挑戰等。 三、 拆遷、抗爭和就地重建等經驗:兒少認為拆遷、水災、火災、靈性皆屬部落的挑戰,然全心團結抗爭讓他們體會部落的力量。 研究建議: 一、 重視多元文化,保存維繫都市部落:放下漢人本位思考,尊重都市原住民需求、經濟效益外更要保留文化獨特性、也需設計符合都市原住民需求的服務和居住方案。 二、 提升部落生活品質:以各樣方式發揚部落、促進環境安全、重視靈性生活、以愛和團結延續部落人情,並增進對外聯結交通資源等。 三、 侯鳥部落客須知:外來客進入部落,宜主動關懷、自我介紹、循序漸進、尊重、平等、不輕易承諾、說到做到等。 四、 都市原住民兒少全人發展:親子持續溝通聆聽彼此期望,校方、家庭或社在升學抉擇關卡,提供充足支持和資訊等;隔代教養等家庭功能較低者,需優先關懷、挹入照顧資源和服務。


In 1980’s, the urban development attracted aboriginal people to build their tribes in the urban areas. However, t living in the city was not easy for them. They faced the difficulties of culture shock, urban-rural gap , low social status, and the treat of moving away due to urban renewal. Children and youth are the most vulnerable group in the urban tribe; they have to go through the same surviving pressure, though what they need most is a stable, safe and loving environment. The strength perspective can go deeper into a unique context, since one of its important principles is “community is the oasis of resources”. Urban tribe is the community for children and youth. This study choose XiJou Tribe as an example is because their strength was shown in the process when it once faced the tearing down crisis, tribe people worked together to fight and to save their home. Through the qualitative research method, I used in-depth interviews with participant observation to collect data. I went into their community, to talked with children and youth about their life experiences, relationships with adults in the tribe, and to know their wants and strength. I used the strength perspective structure for providing another viewpoint about urban tribes, and a chance for children and youth to voice out. The data could be used for organizations to develop better services for them, and for tribes to think about their future development. Research results and conclusions are presented from the strength perspective, as followed: 1. Children and youth grew up in XiJou tribe: Tribe’s group life is their asset, children and youth developed the bicultural identification, but meanwhile, have faced stigmatized identification crisis. 2. The role of adult in children and youth’s tribe life: Adults can provide support; encourage them to participate in the community. Family relationship is shaping their strength but may as well bring some challenges. 3. Experiences of tearing down, protesting and rebuilding their community: Children and youth have experienced crises that the tribe has been through, such as the threat of tearing down, fire, flood, and the spiritual crisis. On the other hand, they felt the strength of unity through their participation in the protest for conserving their community. Research suggestions included: 1. For the mainstream society: to value multiculturalism, and to preserve the urban tribes. The mainstream society should learn to respect needs of aboriginal people, to preserve their unique culture, and to provide services and housing projects fulfilling their needs. 2. To improve the life quality of urban tribes: to enhance environment safety, to emphasize spiritual life and community ties, and to better the transportation system. 3. For the newcomers: to be culturally respected. To tribe people, new comers are just like migratory birds, we don’t belong to there. It is suggested that we should follow these tips: to care initiatively, to self-introduce, to respect, don’t promise too soon, and to keep promises. 4. To fulfill urban aboriginal children and youth’s development needs: Parents should communicate more with children and youth, and to give support and information. For families with fewer resources, the government and non-profit organizations should provide resources and services as needed.


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