  • 學位論文


Improving DSMGA-II with Two-edge Graphical Linkage Model

指導教授 : 于天立




DSMGA-II, a model building genetic algorithm, is able to solve optimization problems via exploiting sub-structures of the problem. DSMGA-II has shown superior optimization ability to LT-GOMEA and hBOA on several benchmark problems including two real-world problems, Ising spin-glass and MAX-SAT. In this thesis, I propose a customized model called two-edge graphical linkage model, which customizes the recombination masks for each receiver according to its alleles, to further improve the performance of DSMGA-II. The new linkage model provides far more possible linkage combinations than the original version. To reduce unnecessary trails, the two-edge model is combined with the supply bounds from the original model. A new techniques called early stop criterion is also proposed to slightly enhance the efficiency in mixing. Combining these proposed techniques, the empirical results show an average of 12% NFE reduction on the benchmark problems compared with the original DSMGA-II.


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