  • 學位論文


Investigating Linkage-assisted Reinitialization on DSMGA-II

指導教授 : 于天立




The dependency structure matrix genetic algorithm II (DSMGA-II) and the two-edge DSMGA-II (DSMGA-IIe) are two of the state-of-the-art model-building genetic algorithms. However, due to the property of LeadingOnes, both DSMGA-II and DSMGA-IIe can not address LeadingOnes well. In LeadingOnes, a bit does not contribute to fitness unless all the bits in front of it are ones. We call the property conditional property. The conditional property causes a strong drift effect during mixing and leads the bits in the rear position to converge to incorrect alleles. This thesis introduces a linkage-assisted reinitialization scheme on DSMGA-IIe to solve problems with such property. The scheme preserves the linkage information by fixing the alleles and reinitializes the population. However, since it is possible to fix the incorrect alleles, the reversal operator is performed to remedy the errors. A modified bit-flipping greedy hill climbing (GHC), called budget GHC, is also proposed to fit the scheme and correct the 1-bit error. To examine the ability of the scheme, we extend LeadingOnes to another two test problems, called leading concatenated trap and leading folded trap. Combining with the scheme, DSMGA-IIe can solve the LeadingOnes and the proposed problems with adequate scalability and only slightly affects the performance on the other benchmark problems.


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