  • 學位論文


Hexagonal Electrode Designs for Blue Phase Liquid Crystal Display

指導教授 : 蔡永傑


中文摘要 科技發展非常快速,現今的顯示器主要還是液晶顯示器。而液晶當中,藍相液晶被視為具有潛力的材料之一,此材料反應時間有亞毫秒等級的,並利用液晶顯示器技術提升液晶顯示器的發光效率及解析度。但藍相液晶顯示器有低穿透率和高操作電壓的問題,所以要設計新的電極結構來改善這些問題。 本實驗室先前提出過新的電極結構,像是中空六角形電極結構。在本篇論文中,我們透過調整不同的參數,來更進一步的研究這一種電極結構。本論文主要分成四個部分,第一部份我們藉由模擬,了解中空六角形及其他中空圖形的光亮結構,並且分析,了解pixel和common的距離要平均和角度要大才能得到穿透區域較平均使得穿透率提升。第二部分我們藉由改變各個參數來改善平面中空六角形電極結構的參數,並分析其優缺點,尋找其可以大幅改善穿透率,及降低操作電壓的重要參數。第三部分我們藉由改變各個參數來改善截面中空六角形電極結構的參數,並分析其優缺點,尋找其可以大幅改善穿透率,及降低操作電壓的重要參數,第四部分,我們利用中空六角形電極結構的各個參數的優缺點去設計出最佳化的中空六角型電極結構,並找到合適的操作電壓下,最優良的穿透率,而我們找到最佳化的六角形結構其穿透率達到82.8%,操作電壓位在15.9 V。


ABSTRACT By the development of technology, liquid crystal display has become an important electronic product in our life. Blue-phase liquid crystal is one of the potential materials for next-generation liquid crystal displays. Blue-Phase liquid crystal has sub-millisecond response time and has potential to e.g. improve the light efficiency and resolution of the liquid crystal display by employing field-sequential-color (FSC) technique. However, the blue phase liquid crystal display has the problems of low transmittance and high operating voltage. To improve these problems, we need to design new electrode structures. Our laboratory has previously proposed new electrode structures such as the hollow hexagonal electrode structure. In this paper, we will further study this electrode structure by adjusting different design parameters. This paper is mainly divided into four parts. In the first part, we use simulations to show that among different hollow polygons, the hexagon is the most suitable. We found that the distance between pixel and common electrodes is desired to be more uniform and the angle between them is desired to be large in order to get more uniformed transmission area and can help increase the overall transmission. In the second part, we improved the three-dimensional hexagonal electrode structure by changing various surface (or plane) parameters. We analyzed their advantages and disadvantages in order to search for important parameters that could greatly improve the transmittance and reduce the operating voltage. In the third part, we improved the three-dimensional hexagonal electrode structure by changing various cross-sectional parameters. We again analyzed their advantages and disadvantages in order to search for important parameters that could greatly improve the transmittance and reduce the operating voltage. In the fourth part, we combined the results we obtained for the above parameters in order to design the optimized hollow hexagonal electrode structure with highest possible transmission and low operating voltage of about 15V. We found that the optimized hexagonal structure has transmission of 82.8% and operating voltage of 15.9 V.


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