  • 學位論文


The Study of Warehouse Consolidation in a Logisitcs System – A Case Study on a Firm in Mainland China

指導教授 : 蔣明晃 教授


在今天競爭激烈的市場環境下,企業莫不希望能建立一個最低成本的物流配送網路,而能將產品正確的數量、適當的品質、正確的地點及正確的時間下送達顧客手中,所以近年來物流網路規劃成為供應鏈管理ㄧ個重要的議題。 而倉庫合併(Warehouse Consolidation)正屬於供應鏈管理中物流網路規劃的一個策略性長期決策之範疇,而倉庫合併時必須考量的成本因素眾多,其成本間又存在著權衡(Trade-Off)關係,所以,如何設置適當數量的倉庫及物流中心,以最佳的配送網路滿足顧客所需,這正是本文所要討論的重點。 本文以大陸台商A公司為研究對象,針對其現行物流網路進行倉庫整併的實證研究,透過相關成本的權衡,重新組織配送網路中倉庫數量及產品的配送,期能建立最佳的物流配送網路,進而降低物流總成本,將資源做最有效與最及時的分配與運用。 經實際資料評估,倉庫整併後最佳物流配送網路之租用發貨倉庫數量由現行7個降為3個,位置分別位於西南、東北與西北,而其成本效益為月平均節省物流成本約人民幣 826,115,年度節省物流成本金額約人民幣 1仟萬元。


In the modern competitive market environment, all businesses not only hope to build a distribution network using minimal cost, but also can deliver products to their customers in the right quantity, right quality, right place and right time. Under these conditions, logistics network planning becomes an important issue for supply chain management in recent years. Warehouse consolidation is the long-run strategy in supply chain management. Nevertheless, cost factors that must be considered at the time of logistics network planning are numerous and there is a trade off relationship among the various cost factors. Therefore the purpose of this essay is to demonstrate the ideal ratio between warehouses and distribution centers while maximizing the optimal distribution network in order to meet customers’ needs. This essay focuses on a business named “A Company” which is a Taiwan based company in Mainland China. By utilizing this company as a real case study, this essay will weigh relevant costs and reorganize the quantity of their warehouses as well as the distribution of their products in its current distribution network. The best distribution network for the company will also be suggested to reduce the total logistics cost. After assessing the real data, the number of warehouses encompassed in the best distribution network is reduced from seven to three. Under the best distribution network, the locations of the warehouses are in the southwest, northeast, and northwest. The amount of cost savings pursuant to implementing the warehouse reduction would be RMB 826,115 dollars per month and about RMB 10 million dollars per year.


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