  • 學位論文


Growing up in the Shadow- The Analysis of Child Abuse Causes and Protective Service

指導教授 : 劉力仁
共同指導教授 : 沈瓊桃(Chiung Tao Shen)


本深度報導論及父母虐待孩子的原因來自於經濟壓力、親密關係的失調、孩子教養問題,還有父母親職知識的不足,個性固執、易有挫折感和敵意,以及遇到壓力時難以調節自身情緒,因此在向外尋求幫助上也會遇到困難。 此外,有些父母對孩子過高的道德要求或成績表現,也可能會對孩子造成精神虐待,父母對孩子施予的壓力,會讓孩子覺得必須要按照父母的意志而活,否則就「像做錯了事」。 除了討論兒虐原因,本報導發現社工現行的服務體制也有一些問題,例如兒少保社工花大量心力在調查新進的通報案件,卻只有很少時間服務舊案,就算舊案在社工評估下結案了,也可能因為沒有後續的資源可以繼續幫忙接手追蹤,導致發生隔沒多久舊案又會重新被通報進來的問題。上述問題可以透過在前端加強精準通報去解決,讓兒少保社工不需要一直去現場看個案到底是否有兒虐,而是靠精準通報的資料就可以過濾掉非兒虐案件。同時脆弱家庭和兒少保社工之間的分工,也時常因為訓練背景的不同有爭議,需要彼此溝通才能避免嫌隙。 另外,社工和社區、學校,警政、醫療院所合作也是不可或缺的一環。另外,除了父母需要「覺察」自己對孩子行使暴力,社會體制對父母的支持,如經濟層面、社交層面及親職教育知識推廣也很重要。


Financial pressure, intimacy issues, education problems, bad parenting, and weaknesses of parents' personality such as stubbornness, spiritless, frustration, and emotion controlling difficulty when encountering pressures, all are one of factors result in child abuse. In some cases, excessive moral standard and academic performance requirement on children could also lead to psychological abuse. Constant pressure makes children have obligations to live as parents' wishes or "do something wrong". In addition to coverage on causes of child abuse, this report proposes that the existing social service may have rooms to be improved. For example, children and youth social workers spend enormous time on investigating new reporting cases but little time on enrolled reporting cases. Social workers may not be able to track closed cases because shortage of resources. It brings about the same case may be reported again not long after because the problem was not be really resolved previous time. The issues mentioned above could be avoid by calibrating reporting system on the front line, therefore social workers would not have to confirm suspected child abuse on site, but fulfill the same purpose by filtering suspected cases with precise reporting information. Simultaneously, coordination between the Vulnerable family workers and social workers may not be effective because of different training backgrounds. This report suggests that healthy communication between two parties can effectively avoid quarrel. Furthermore, cooperation between the social worker, community, school, police, hospital is needed. This report proposes that the violence chain could be broken when parents are aware of their mistreatment on children which is led by their own original family issues and trauma. Furthermore, it is important that social institutions should help parents better their personal finance, giving them social support and promote parenting skills.


Allan G. Johnson (2008)。《拆除父權違建–性別打結》。臺北:群學出版。
