  • 學位論文

社區觀光發展中的地方文化產業化- 以苗栗縣公館鄉黃金小鎮為例

The Industrialization of Local Culture in the Development of Community Tourism-A Case Study of “Golden Town” in Gong-Guan, Miao-Li County

指導教授 : 姜蘭虹


由於地方文化產業由於具有獨特與稀有之特性,乃促使當地持續發展,繁榮其經濟、社會、文化等向度的重要因素,在近來已普遍被認定可為城市的發展,故本研究以苗栗縣公館鄉黃金社區為研究對象,探討其文化產業與社區發展現況,觀察在文化觀光風潮趨勢下發展的公館鄉其地方文化是否有產業化?如何產業化?是否會過度商業化或與地方居民社區發展意願相違背?本研究將來探討當地黃金社區文化特色與地方發展的現況,並對未來的發展策略作出具體建議。 本研究提出下列問題,希望能夠進行研究與深入了解:黃金小鎮的地方產業發展過程中,地方文化產業是否有助於黃金小鎮社區的發展;社區發展之實務狀況是否符合政策面的規劃;以及黃金小鎮之社區發展是少數人得利的發展嗎?外地人移入黃金社區之狀況與動機,是否會對黃金小鎮的社區法展產生影響?那麼,整體社區發展方向是以在地人意願需求為主,亦或在資本主義影響下過度商品化了? 本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法以及問卷調查法進行研究,訪談對象的抽樣方法擬採取滾雪球抽樣針對黃金社區之商家,以非結構式訪談進行;問卷部份則針對黃金社區之一般居民進行調查,用以比對商家與一般居民之意見異同來進行分析,以求詳實瞭解所有當地人對於黃金社區發展的看法。 根據本研究所採訪的12位受訪者之意見及回收之26份有效問卷進行分析,所得之結論如下:以調節理論來看,黃金社區的發展缺乏資源的有效運用跟凝聚力,故無法有所突破;黃金社區在發展的實務上與政策面存在落差,以及黃金社區目前的發展是多數人得利的發展;大部分的商家是當地人所開設,外地人的移入並非以做生意為目的,對地方文化之產業化影響不大,對整體社區發展也看不出影響。黃金社區整體的社區發展是在地人意願需求為出發,商品化為過程。 針對黃金小鎮未來的發展之建議為:黃金小鎮的發展應該由地方發起、地方收穫,並且與政府保持對等合作關係。在發展策略上,聚焦於地方特色,主打單一特色,並且擬定階段性發展計畫,更重要的是凝聚地方向心力,先強化社區本身的動員能力,謀求長遠發展。 關鍵字:黃金小鎮、調節理論、地方文化、文化產業、社區發展


Abstract Local development and it’s thriving economy depend on the uniqueness and rarity of a culture. Recently, it’s widely regarded as the development of the city. The case study of this research is conducted in the “Golden Town” of Gong-Guan, Miao-Li. County. The main concerns are the present condition of the culture industry and the community development, the observation of the degree to what the local culture of Gong-guan is industrialized under the fashion of culture tourism, and the effects of the over-industrialization on local people. The research purposes are to explore the special features of local culture and the present condition of local development in Golden Town and provide strategies for the future development. The research questions are as follows: In the process of local industry development of “Golden Town”, whether the local culture industry helps the development of the community; Whether the present condition of “Golden Town” matches the policy? Is the development of “Golden Town” just for few people’s benefits? Whether the settlers will influence the development of “Golden Town”? Does The development of the whole community come from the willingness of local people or is over-merchandized under the capitalism. According to the opinions of 12 interviewees and the 26 valid questionnaires, the conclusions and suggestions for the future development of “Golden Town” are as follows: What comes from the local should return back to the local; Have an equal cooperation with the Government. Put all the local special features together and focus on the best Feature. Make a staged developing program; Reunite the local centripetal force and find the long-range plan for the future development. Keywords: Golden Town, Regulation Theory, Culture Industry, Local Culture, Community development.


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