  • 學位論文


Analysis of Management Strategies in Department Store Retailing Industry: A Case of Far Eastern Department Stores

指導教授 : 連勇智


隨著近年網路的興起,線上購物平台逐漸侵蝕實體店面的銷售,尤其是在零售業的部分,除此之外,消費者習慣的改變也讓實體零售業面對更巨大的挑戰。 本研究試圖探討各大百貨業者面對市場環境變化的應對方式,並選擇以遠東百貨作為個案研究公司。 遠東百貨於1967年成立,為目前台灣發展最久的一間百貨公司,除了具備先行者優勢外,其隸屬於遠東集團的優勢,也為其在各事業體中創造綜效。近年更增強實體購物體驗,無論是實體店的風格、購物空間的環境與活動,都積極做出差異化與轉型,同時也發展線上購物平台來面對電子商務的來襲,並帶給消費者不同以往的購物體驗。除此之外,遠東集團早期即發展會員服務,對於正經歷數位轉型階段的零售業,擁有巨大的優勢。 因此,本研究試圖透過外部環境分析,了解百貨零售產業整體狀況與未來發展趨勢,並透過五力分析歸納產業成功之關鍵要素,包含實體購物體驗、規模經濟與會員數、差異化,最後從遠東百貨的發展,盤點其事業組合以及所擁有的資源與能力,並以VRIO模型評估,遠東百貨具有無形資源、市場決策能力、價格談判能力、商品競爭力等持續性的競爭優勢,使其在產業中保有地位與面對競爭,最後亦根據產業發展趨勢與挑戰,提供其未來發展之相關經營策略的建議,包括利用過去所累積的會員基數,強化會員制度,並結合在地化,持續打造獨特的實體體驗,最後是利用自身優勢,持續投入線上購物平台經營,發展多元通路,來進行成功的虛實整合。


With the rise of the Internet in recent years, online shopping platforms are gradually eroding the sales of physical stores, especially in the retail sector. This study attempts to examine how major department stores are coping with the changing market environment, and chooses Far Eastern Department Store as the case study. Established in 1967, Far Eastern Department Store is one of the longest growing department stores in Taiwan. In addition to its pioneer advantage, its affiliation with the Far Eastern Group has created synergy among its various businesses. In recent years, Far Eastern Group has enhanced its physical shopping experience by actively differentiating the style of its physical stores, the environment and activities of its shopping spaces, as well as developing an online shopping platform to face the onslaught of e-commerce and to bring consumers a different shopping experience. In addition, Far Eastern Group has developed membership services since its early days, which is a great advantage for the retail industry that is undergoing digital transformation. Therefore, this study attempts to understand the overall situation and future development trend of the department store retail industry through external environment analysis, and summarize the key elements of industry success through the five forces analysis, including physical shopping experience, economy of scale and membership, and differentiation. Finally, based on the development trend and challenges of the industry, Far Eastern Department Store provides recommendations on the future development of its business strategies, including using the membership base accumulated in the past, strengthening the membership system, integrating localization to continue to create a unique physical experience, and keeping investing in online shopping platform operation and develop multiple channels to successfully integrate the real and the virtual.


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