  • 學位論文


The Impact of Leisure Activities to Sleep Deprivation and Negative Behaviors Among The Sixth-Graders:Playing Computer Game as An Example

指導教授 : 李蘭 教授


為瞭解國小六年級學童於休閒時間玩電玩之情形,並探討其對睡眠和負向行為之影響,本研究利用「兒童及青少年行為之長期發展」研究計畫第三年的部份資料,進行次級資料分析。研究樣本為台北市及新竹縣隨機抽樣之18所國小六年級學童,有效樣本計2,449人(1,254名男生和1,195名女生)。應用邏輯斯複迴歸分析 、複迴歸分析 與路徑分析等統計方法處理後,主要發現包括 :(1)國小六年級學童中,經常且長時間玩電玩遊戲者佔21%;每天都玩且每次超過2小時以上者佔9.1%。(2)玩電玩遊戲頻率愈高者,其產生睡眠剝奪的情形愈嚴重,而且比其他活動如看電視、學才藝,對於睡眠剝奪的影響力更大。(3)玩電玩除直接影響學童的「暴力行為」與「疲倦退縮感」等負向行為外,還會透過睡眠剝奪間接影響前述行為。(4)影響學童玩電玩的因素主要為學童性別、居住地區、家庭收入、父母監督力量、看電視量及學才藝數。根據本研究結果建議家長及老師應多關心學童玩電玩遊戲的狀況。對學童玩電玩遊戲做適當規範之同時,也幫助學童養成規律的睡眠習慣。另外,父母親應避免以權威的心理控制方式管教子女,以降低其因玩電玩而剝奪睡眠或產生負向行為之可能性。


The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of playing PC games on sleep deprivation and negative behaviors in sixth-graders. This study adopted data from the third year survey of “Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution”(CABLE) on which secondary data analysis was conducted. The sample population was 2,449 sixth graders (1,254 boys, 1195 girls) from 18 elementary schools located in Taipei City and Hsin-Chu County. The major statistical methods used in this study were logistic regression, multiple regression and path analysis. Major findings are as follows. First, 21% of sixth-graders played PC games for over 2hrs many times a week and 9.1% of sixth-graders played PC games over 2hrs everyday each week. Second, more playing of PC games was associated with more severe sleep deprivation of students and the impact of playing PC games on sleep deprivation was greater than that of watching TV and study habits.Third, not only did playing PC games directly influence negative behaviors such as “violence” and “withdrawal” but it also influenced such behaviors indirectly through sleep deprivation. Fourth, students’ gender, place of residence, family income, parental discipline, frequency of TV watching and study habits were all associated with playing PC games. The results suggest that parents should pay more attention to their childrens’ playing PC game habits and set appropriate rules in regard to their playing. In addition, parents should encourage children to develop a regular sleeping schedule. Finally, parents should avoid disciplining children in a purely authoritarian fashion without any communication and explanation given.


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