  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship Between On-line Game Addiction and Deviant behavior of Junior High School Students- An Example of Taipei County

指導教授 : 林定香


本文以台北縣之國中學生為研究樣本,其目的在了解現今國中生線上遊戲的使用狀況、成癮現象及線上遊戲成癮與偏差行為發生的關係,同時比較不同背景變項在網路使用行為及線上遊戲成癮現象的差異。另外,為了區分不同的成癮狀態,本研究試圖將網路線上遊戲成癮者區分為不同的族群,期望能夠區分出線上遊戲成癮高低危險群的國中生;此外,本研究探求網路使用行為和網路成癮各向度之相關;並建構國中生線上遊戲成癮與偏差行為之模式,藉此對線上遊戲成癮現象所造成的青少年偏差行為之關係加以探討,且提供預測及解釋模式。最後,本研究將根據文獻資料分析與主要研究發現,分析線上遊戲成癮現象對國中生偏差行為所造成的影響及衝擊,冀望本研究能供教育及輔導人員之參考。 研究發現影響學生線上遊戲成癮之重要因素有「學生的性別」、「刺激衝動的個性」、「遊戲的時間」、「遊戲的資歷」、「零用錢數目」、「學校的依附功能」、「偏差行為」及「家庭結構」等。利用邏輯斯迴歸分析方法建構學生遊戲成癮與顯著因子間之邏輯斯迴歸模型,研究結果顯示:男生所呈現的成癮傾向比女生強烈;學生的刺激衝動個性傾向程度愈高,其成癮傾向愈明顯;學生在線上遊戲所花的時間愈多者,其成癮程度愈高;學童在線上遊戲的資歷愈久,其線上遊戲成癮傾向愈強烈,兩者呈現高度的相關;家長給孩子的零用錢數目愈多,造成學童遊戲成癮的機率愈高;學校所能提供的依附功能愈強,學生在遊戲成癮的程度就愈低;學生在偏差行為的程度愈明顯,其遊戲成癮的傾向愈鮮明,顯現線上遊戲成癮與偏差行為間確實存在著重要的關聯性;學童的家庭結構愈健全者,其遊戲成癮程度愈低。 青少年的心智尚未成熟,對於資訊好壞的取捨及判斷能力不足,在此種狀況下,很容易迷失於虛擬的網路世界中,而線上遊戲又是最具成癮性的網路娛樂活動,青少年的生活如果因而被攪亂甚至構成困擾,便會形成遊戲成癮,偏差行為自然容易伴隨而生。因此,了解線上遊戲帶給學童的衝擊,採取適當的措施讓學童建立正確的休閒認知,便能有效減少偏差行為的發生。


The research addresses the sample of junior high school students in Taipei County, exploring the current status of students playing on-line games, understanding on-line addiction and studying the causal effects of the addiction and misbehaviors. First, the study compares students of various backgrounds to reveal different influences on using and being addictive to playing on-line games. Second, the study attempts to differentiate levels of addiction in groups and to identify levels of risks of being addictive to playing on-line games. Third, the study explores the correlation of stereotypes of playing on-line games and addiction. Fourth, the research frames the model to understand the causal effects of playing on-line games and teenagers’misbehaviors. Finally, the study examines academic archives and previous findings, assessing what effects of addiction on misbehaviors of teenagers are, and providing suggestions to educational and consulting system. The results of the research reveal important factors having effects on addiction to playing on-line games. Those factors include genders, impulses, time on playing games, students’experience of playing games, amount of allowance, attachment to schooling, misbehaviors, and family structure. The research frames the logistic regressive model of the relationship between addiction and significant factors. The results indicated that male students have higher tendencies to play on-line games than female students do. The higher level of the impulse is, the more the addiction is. Also, the more time students spend, the deeper they immerse. The tendency of being addictive to playing on-line games increases when students have more experience in playing. These two variables are significantly correlated. The amount of allowance plays a positive role in increasing the likelihood of addiction. However, students’attachment to schooling decreases the tendency of addiction. Misbehaviors also have a positive relationship with addiction of playing on-line games. The result shows the significant linkage between addiction and misbehaviors. Finally, the more intact the family structure, the less likely the student addictive. Teenagers are too mentally immature to adopt and make correct judgement. It makes them more easily go astray online and abuse on-line games. Misbehaviors are always accompanied with the abuse and addiction of on-line games, especially when abuse and addiction distort teenagers’daily life. Thus, it is important to realize how on-line games impact on teenagers. The implications of the research also suggest measures to help teenagers engage suitable recreations and prevent them from misbehaviors.




