  • 學位論文


Prebiotic effects of several lactics’ exopolysaccharides on the growth of bifidus

指導教授 : 游 若 篍


摘要 本實驗以乳酸菌於MRS培養基所產的胞外多醣為研究對象,檢測其產量與對雙叉桿菌之助生性,選取生產較佳助生性胞外多醣之乳酸菌,培養於添加10%不同糖類MRS培養基,檢測胞外多醣產量與助生性,並與果寡糖益菌助生質比較;再進行胞外多醣之成份分析。結果顯示乳酸桿菌在MRS培養基生產之胞外多醣產量由高至低為Lactobacillus plantarum BCRC 11697(930 mg/L),L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus BCRC 10696,L. rhamnosus GG BCRC 16000,L. casei,L. fermentum,L. helveticus,L. acidophilus BCRC 14079,L. salivarius BCRC14759(450 mg/L)。L. casei、L. acidophilus BCRC 14079所產之胞外多醣,較L. helveticus、L. salivarius BCRC14759所產之胞外多醣對雙叉桿菌有較佳之助生效果。L. casei於MRS-glc培養基,所得之胞外多醣對B.infantis BCRC14602、B. adolescentis BCRC14606、B. bifidum BCRC14615,助生性較佳,L. casei 於MRS-fru培養基培養所得之胞外多醣對B. longum BCRC14634、B. lactis Bb-12,助生性佳,且效果都比果寡糖佳。乳酸桿菌之胞外多醣為異質多醣,50%以上為半乳糖、14%~40%為葡萄糖及其他糖類。L. casei在添加10%不同糖類MRS培養基生產之胞外多醣也為異質多醣,醣類組成60%~80%為半乳糖、14%~30%為葡萄糖及其他糖類。


Abstract In this study, were investigated the yields and prebiotic effects of exopolysaccharides(EPS)produced by Lactic acid bacteria grown in MRS media on the growth of Bifidobacteria. Choose one lactic acid bacteria whose EPS have the best prebiotic effects. Test the yields and prebiotic effects of the EPS produced by this lactic acid bacteria grown in modified-MRS media which contain 10% various sugars and compare to fructooligosaccharides(FOS). Finally analyze the composition of EPS. The results indicated that the yields of EPS produced by LAB grown in MRS media were from Lactobacillus plantarum BCRC 11697(930 mg/L), L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus BCRC 10696, L. rhamnosus GG BCRC 16000, L. casei, L. fermentum, L. helveticus, L. acidophilus BCRC 14079 to L. salivarius BCRC14759 ( 450 mg/L). Prebiotic effects of EPS produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus BCRC 14079 and L. casei were better than L. helveticus and L. salivarius BCRC14759. Prebiotic effects of EPS produced by L. casei grown in MRS-glc media toward B.infantis BCRC14602, B. adolescentis BCRC14606, and B. bifidum BCRC14615 were better than FOS. Prebiotic effects of EPS produced by L. casei grown in MRS-fru media toward B. longum BCRC14634 and B. lactis Bb-12 were better than FOS. EPS produced by LAB were heteropolysaccharides and contains 50% galactose, from 14% to 40% glucose and other sugars. EPS produced by L. casei grown in modified-MRS media which contain 10% various sugars were heteropolysaccharides and contains from 60% to 80% galactose, from 14% to 30% glucose and other sugars.


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