  • 學位論文

Lactobacillus plantarum BCRC 11697之胞外多醣對於TNBS誘導老鼠結腸炎之影響

Effects of exopolysaccharides from Lactobacillus plantarum BCRC 11697 on trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (TNBS) - induced rat colitis

指導教授 : 游若萩


近年來,許多學者探討乳酸菌產生之胞外多醣(exopolysaccharide, EPS),對於健康有益。發炎性腸道疾病 (inflammatory bowel disease, IBD) ,可分為潰瘍性結腸 (ulcerative, UC) 和克隆氏症 (Crohn’s diease, CD),為一種慢性腸道疾病,但其致病機制尚未明了。本研究使用 Lactobacillus plantarum BCRC 11697產生之胞外多醣來探討其對三硝基苯磺酸 (trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid, TNBS ) 誘導成類似克隆氏症 (Crohn’s disease) 的動物模式中降低發炎之功效。結果顯示,餵食 EPS 或 L. plantarum BCRC 11697 菌株,再經過 TNBS 誘導成結腸炎,可明顯降低經 TNBS 誘導大鼠結腸炎後腸道出血現象和水樣便的發生,結腸短縮現象和脾臟腫脹現象也有所改善,而發炎指標骨髓過氧化酵素 (myeloperoxidase, MPO)、TNF-α 和 iNOS 表現量在經 TNBS 誘導後大量產生,代表有發炎的情況,而有餵食 EPS 或L. plantarum BCRC 11697 菌株,再經過 TNBS 誘導的組別,產量和表現量下降了,顯示發炎現象下降。而抗發炎細胞激素IL-10 可降低發炎的情況,檢測結果顯示,餵食 L. plantarum BCRC 11697 菌株再經 TNBS 誘導的組別其產生量較高。腸道氧化壓力有關的酵素 glutathione (GSH),經 TNBS 誘導大鼠結腸炎後,其還原態的 GSH 氧化成 GSSH,代表腸道氧化壓力提高,而餵食 EPS 或 L. plantarum BCRC 11697 菌株,再經誘導的組別,其還原態 GSH 的量提高。由以上結果的得知 L. plantarum BCRC 11697 益生菌和其萃取出的胞外多醣,對於大鼠結腸有保護作用,可降低TNBS對於結腸的傷害,進而降低發炎的情形和腸道氧化壓力,故對於發炎性腸道疾病中的克隆氏症有改善現象,其中又以餵食 L. plantarum BCRC 11697 益生菌的效果較佳。


Recently, many studies had shown that exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by LAB has health benefits. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), are characterized by chronic inflammation. The etiology and pathogenesis of IBD remains unknown. The aim of the present work is to investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of EPS produced by Lactobacillus plantarum BCRC 11697, on trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) induce rat colitis, which resembles human Cron’s disease (CD). Results showed that the TNBS-induced colitis rats had rectal bleeding, severe diarrhea with reduced colon length and spleen weight. The EPS treated rats and L. plantarum BCRC 11697-treated rats significantly reduced rectal bleeding, severe diarrhea and colon length. In addition, myeloperoxidase (MPO), TNF-α and iNOS expression in the TNBS-induced colitis rats was substantially increased, and the EPS treated rats and L. plantarum BCRC 11697 treated rats significantly reduced myeloperoxidase (MPO), TNF-α concentration and iNOS expression. Cytokine IL-10 could reduce inflammatory parameters, and L. plantarum BCRC 11697 treated rats was significantly increased. Finally, EPS treated rats and L. plantarum BCRC 11697 treated rats showed a significantly increasing in colonic GSH content, which is depleted in colonic rats as a consequence of the colonic oxidative stress induced by TNBS. These results showed that the administrated of EPS or L. plantarum BCRC 11697 could protect colonic tissue in the TNBS rats with reduced colonic inflammatory and oxidative stress. It could ameliorate Crohn’s disease (CD) of IBD, and administration of L. plantarum BCRC 11697 gets better effects as compared to EPS treatment.


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