  • 學位論文

藉「鳥類相調查」掌握生態環境強化飛安管理之研究 ─以台灣地區各機場鳥擊防制工作為例

To consolidate flying safety management by controlling an eco-friendly environment through avian fauna survey

指導教授 : 劉順仁


摘 要 鳥類遨翔於地球天空已逾一億五千萬年,人類自百年前發明飛機開啟空中活動領域後,鳥類與飛機發生碰撞之事故即陸續發生。隨航空科技進步,飛機性能與機場運作效率不斷提昇,跨國越洲之政經、文化及軍事互動頻繁,航空客貨運輸業均大幅成長,不幸鳥擊空難事件亦隨之陡增,肇致生命與財產重大損失,鳥擊威脅飛安之陰霾壟罩人類揮之不去。 航空界早期將「鳥擊」事件視為天災,無人須承擔責任,故機場管理者對場面鳥類活動,僅止於臨機之驚嚇驅趕消極作為;近年,國際民航組織(ICAO)鑑於國際間之航空客貨運成長快速,涉及鳥擊責任之求償官司迭有發生,釐清鳥擊防制責任及災難賠償等問題已刻不容緩,遂於國際民航協定中規定:「各國飛航管理當局必須竭盡所能,防止鳥類出現於機場及附近區域,以免危及飛航安全」。另自1973年起,國際上數起鳥擊空難官司,航空管理當局及機場經營者均屬敗訴一方,並須負責巨額賠償,自此,各國逐漸開始重視鳥擊防制工作,紛紛成立鳥擊委員會等相關組織。 2000年,空軍幻象戰機鳥擊失事墜海飛行員不幸殉職,舉國關注,空軍在交通部民航局及飛安基金會指導協助下,陸續對全軍12處機場實施”鳥類相調查及鳥擊案統計分析”積極防制計畫作為;自2001年起連續三年,專案委託國內動物保育及生態學研專業人士進行鳥類相調查分析,2004年起空軍接續自辦,全年度共計執行有效觀測57,428次,蒐整辨識鳥類相資料1,144,480筆。 本研究,係以空軍「2004年各機場鳥類相調查統計分析」及財團法人飛行安全基金會「2002-2004年台灣地區軍、民航鳥擊分析」資料為基礎,進行相關研析;藉瞭解各主要機場鳥類相分布,探討鳥類活動生態與鳥擊事件相關性,歸納台灣地區”飛航威脅最高之鳥種”及”發生鳥擊風險最高之機場”等資料,檢討我國鳥擊防制現況,參考國際先進防制作法,對相關權責機關從「制度與執行」兩方面提出建議如下: 一、制度面:建全我國鳥擊防制現有組織機制,強化各項防制工作法源基礎、整合運用軍民航及產、官、學界既有資源發揮綜效。 二、執行面:全面執行台灣各機場鳥類相調查、儘速擴充鳥擊鑑定研析能力、持續研析並掌握各機場威脅鳥種變化、構建機場鳥擊最低風險生態環境、要求機場所在地方政府擴大綠地及改善生態環境、軍民飛航派遣應儘量迴避各高風險因素、軍方西部高風險機場應適時調整戰備轉駐東部、加強國際鳥擊防制交流活動暢通資訊獲得。 推展鳥擊防制工作,應以”治標為輔、治本為主”之觀念,賡續執行既有各項消極防制作為,並逐步穩健推動”鳥類相調查、掌握威脅鳥種生態、建構低風險機場及週遭生態環境”之機場管理策略,全面降低鳥擊風險,達成”飛安第一、保育為先”雙贏目標。 關鍵字: 鳥擊,交通部民航局,飛安基金會,鳥類相調查,威脅鳥種,鳥擊最低風險生態環境,機場管理策略


Abstract Birds have been flying on Earth for more than 150 million years. After the aircraft’s invention, bird-strike occurred on and off. Then the more the aviation technology improves, the better the aircraft’s performance and airport’s efficiency are. Along with the increasingly interaction between nations, passenger and cargo air transportation have tremendously increased. However, bird-strike events have also increased and bird-strike threatening has continuously haunted human being for such a long time. At first, bird-strike events were regarded as natural disasters, no one was obliged to take the responsibility and airport managers just took passive actions on preventive activities, such as occasional chasing or threatening birds on airfield. In recent years, bird-strike became a much more serious problem, ICAO then set the rule in the international civil aviation agreement, “all national aviation authorities should do their best to decrease birds’ appearance around the airport, and promote aviation safety”. Since 1973, in several international bird-strike lawsuits, aviation authorities and airport managers were all defeated and were charged a great amount of compensation. Since then, every nation spared no effort to set up organizations in preventive bird strike. In year 2000, ROCAF lost a Mirage jet in a night flight and unfortunately,the fighter pilot failed to survive from the bird-strike accident that had drawn national intensive attention. With the guidance and assistance from The Civil Aviation Bureau and The Taiwan Flying Safety Foundation, ROCAF compiled statistics about avian fauna and bird-strike events on and around its 12 airbases. In 2001, 2002, 2003 year, with project module, ROCAF requested civil professionals and academic researchers, who have expertise in animal protection and ecology, to do related analysis. In 2004, ROCAF took over the following analysis; conducted 57,428 effective objections and set 1,144,480 bird identifications. This research is based on the statistics and analysis of ROCAF Air Base Avian Fauna Survey in Y2000 and The Civil/Mil. Bird-strike event Analysis of Taiwan Flying Safety Foundation in Y2002-2004. Through intensive studying of avian fauna on and around main aerodromes and related factors in bird strike events, the most threatening bird to each aerodrome and the riskiest aerodrome for suffering bird strikes can be concluded. By reviewing Taiwan’s current bird -strike prevention and referring to the advanced measures in foreign countries, several conductive suggestions for related authorities are presented as follows: 1. In systematic aspect, current national bird strike preventive agencies and systems should be reorganized and refined, the law basis for every preventive activity should be strongly fortified, and all available resources in every area should be integrated. 2. In performing aspect, ROC should perform all identifications of avian fauna around aerodromes as well as activity surveys, extend the capability for bird-strike remains identification, reconfirm the threatening birds on and around aerodromes, settle the lowest risk eco-environment for bird-strike prevention, request eco-friendly improving, avoid high risky factors while assigning military and civil flight sorties, modulate appropriate military aircraft to eastern airbases, and enhance involving of related international bird-strike events and information exchanging. In order to lower bird strike risk, the authority should continue to perform every current passive measure and collect related statistics and data secondly to none, and manage aerodromes in eco-friendly and low risky ways. Only by doing so, can a “win-win” vision between aviation safety and eco-protection be realized. Key words: bird strike, avian fauna survey, Civil Aviation Bureau Taiwan Flying Safety Foundation, eco-friendly


1. Clergeau,P.,Jokimaki,J.&Savard,J.L.,「Are urban communities influenced by the bird diversity of adjacent landscapes」,2001,Journal of Applied Ecology。
3. International Bird Strike Committee 22th Meeting ,2000 Amsterdam,Proceeding I
4. International Bird Strike Committee 27th Meeting ,2005 Athen,Proceeding I
