  • 學位論文


The Linkage of Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Land Use Change

指導教授 : 闕蓓德


自十九世紀工業革命以來,大量使用化石能源使得人為產生之溫室氣體排放急遽增加,造成近年來氣候變遷及氣候暖化情形,除此之外,社會經濟成長對土地資源的需求也隨之增加,造成土地利用及覆蓋變遷、高度都市化結果造成都市熱島效應、綠地覆蓋面積減少,影響土地碳吸存量造成大氣中二氧化碳含量增加,又都會區為國家溫室氣體主要排放源,故以新北市新莊區為例,探討都會區土地利用程度變遷與溫室氣體排放強度及增量間之關聯性。本研究以里為最小單元分析兩年度國土利用調查圖層,對各里土地利用程度進行分類,並以部門方法進行兩年度溫室氣體盤查與各里溫室氣體單位排放強度空間化,運用史比爾曼相關分析對各部門溫室氣體排放增量與土地利用程度、土地利用程度變遷之相關性進行比較分析,再利用二元羅吉斯回歸方法分析土地利用變遷與各部門溫室氣體排放增量之驅動力因素,建立溫室氣體排放增量與土地利用變遷之關聯性,由結果得知土地利用變遷發生與土地利用程度較高情況下,住宅與交通部門溫室氣體有顯著增加,因此針對與土地利用關聯性較高之二部門提出相關溫室氣體減量策略,並以改善家戶生活行為與習慣為概念進行減碳推估,依本研究估算十年週期後住宅與交通部門之減碳量共可減少民國96年總溫室氣體排放之5.46%,每年可減少0.791 t-CO2e/人/年之人均排放量。


Since the end of 19th century industrial revolution, people have been intensively using fossil fuels to develop societies and support economic activity. The anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gas cause climate change and global warming. With the increased urbanization of human society, all economic activities continued to develop more lands to expand the scope of their activities. The land‐based carbon sink has been considered as an important element in the inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks. However, few studies have reported on the linkage of the urban land use change and GHG emissions. Therefore, the aim of this research attempts to explore how drivers of land-use change and the emissions of GHG are related. The case study is at the Xin-zhuang district , New Taipei City. This research attempts to reclassify land-use level through cluster analysis and analyze the driving force of land use change and each sector of GHG emissions by using binomial logistic model. The result of highly relationship between land use change and GHG emissions is residential sector and traffic sector. Mitigation measures for reduction of GHG emissions were also provided by model simulation. Under this scenario, residential sector and traffic sector will reduce 2007’s total GHG emissions by 5.46% or 0.791 t-CO2e/ person-yr in 10-year period.


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