  • 學位論文


A Tentative Assumption on the Construction and Reconsideration of Taiwan Architecture’s Locality by Japanese Architects: Take the Governmental Architecture During the Japanese Colonial Period for Example

指導教授 : 黃蘭翔


1920至30年代之間,臺灣的官方建築開始呈現明顯的變貌,從歷史主義建築逐漸往外觀簡潔明快的合理主義邁進,此時期建築的外觀轉變,背後是源自於建築家開始思考何謂臺灣建築之特色,一個新建築觀的生成。而這個新建築觀的誕生則是基於特定的條件,經歷了漫長的實驗與摸索才漸趨成熟。因此,本文則是試圖聚焦在這個新建築觀的緣起與演變的進程。   自1924年起總督府營繕課內部成員的變動和組織改動,新領導人與成員使組織的風貌為之一新,創造出比較能自樣式觀之外思考建築的環境。地方色建築觀最初的起源,是來自以實體建築呈現臺灣形象的臺灣館,而地方色建築觀的理論基礎,則是受到日本國際建築會所提倡的地方性影響,臺灣建築會以科學性的實驗與統計,順應土地的風土氣候。經過對地方性的詳盡研究,開始更深入地建構地方色建築的概念。   透過追溯這個新建築觀的建構與深化過程,便能更深入地理解身處在臺灣這塊土地上,身為殖民官僚的建築家們是從何時開始思考什麼是獨特的臺灣建築,這個理念的理論緣起,研究與實踐,以及在這個漫長的歷程中建築家們所遭遇的困難與所付出的努力。


From the 1920s into the 1930s, the governmental architecture in Taiwan made a transition from Historicism to Modernism. The change of architectural appearance in this period originated from a new idea of architecture, which architects started to meditate on what was the characteristic of Taiwan architecture. The birth of this new idea of architecture was based on certain circumstances, and it took time to experiment and explore to become a mature theory. Therefore, this thesis attempts to focus on the origins and evolution of this new idea.   With membership turnover and organization restructuring since 1924, the new leader and members of Construction and Maintenance Division of Taiwan Governor-General's Office brought drastic change in organization. It also created an environment which was easier to conceive the new idea of architecture aside from Historicism. The very first beginning of the idea of architecture of local color came from Taiwan Pavilions, which were built to visualize the image of Taiwan in form of actual buildings. And the theoretical foundation of the idea of architecture of local color was influenced by The International Architectural Association of Japan and their concept of locality. Through scientific experiments and statistical analysis, The Architectural Institute of Taiwan tried to adapt to local climate and environment. After exhaustive studies of locality, the architects went deep into constructing the concept of architecture of local color.   By tracing back the construction of this new idea of architecture and its process, it is possible to figure out its beginning, theoretical basis, research and practice.


Yuko Kikuchi ed., Refracted modernity: visual culture and identity in colonial Taiwan,


