  • 學位論文


The Impact of Perceived Brand Globalness and Localness on Product Evaluation and Brand Relationship

指導教授 : 劉佳玲


在目前全球化的趨勢下,市面上出現越來越多品牌供消費者進行選擇,因此品牌間需要開始強調其差異來獲得消費者的選擇,有的品牌會主打全球化的優勢,有的品牌則會宣揚本土特性,並且企業會依據產品的特性以及涉入程度不同而調整其策略,來使消費者在心中產生對其產品一定的評價後,進行後續的購買決策。另 外,品牌商也會透過與消費者建立起良好的品牌關係,來增加消費者的品牌忠誠度,以維持顧客與減少顧客流失率。故本研究之研究目的為探討全球品牌知覺與本土品牌知覺和產品評價以及品牌關係之間的關聯與比較,以及針對不同涉入程度的產品是否會對品牌知覺和產品評價之間的關聯有所影響進行探討。 本研究使用問卷調查法,以Google網路問卷進行發放,問卷內容依填答者生日月份的不同會有不同的品牌排列組合,問卷共分為四個版本。本研究總計回收400份有效問卷。 本研究使用SPSS 25.0與SmartPLS統計軟體將問卷回收資料以敘述性統計、信度與效度、結構方程模型等方式進行分析和假說驗證。研究結果發現,全球品牌知覺與本土品牌知覺皆會對產品評價有正向影響,其中本土品牌知覺的影響力度更大;全球品牌知覺會對品牌關係有正向影響;產品評價對品牌關係有正向影響, 並且產品評價對全球品牌知覺、本土品牌知覺和品牌關係之間具有中介效果;而全球品牌知覺與本土品牌知覺對高涉入度產品評價的影響更為顯著。 根據本研究結論可以得知,無論透過在消費者心中建立全球品牌知覺抑是本土品牌知覺皆能增加產品評價和間接影響與品牌之關係,所以品牌商應根據自身所販售之產品種類以及本身具有的資源來發展以及調整其全球化或本土化策略,以在眾多品牌中脫穎而出,獲得消費者的喜愛與支持。


According to the development of globalization nowadays, there are more and more brands in the market for consumers to choose from, so brands need to emphasize their differences to gain consumers' preferences. Some brands will focus on the advantages of their globalization, while others will promote local characteristics, and companies will adjust their strategies based on the characteristics of the product and the degree of involvement, so that consumers will have certain evaluation of the products in their minds and then make subsequent purchase decisions. In addition, the firm will also build up a good brand relationship with consumers to increase their brand loyalty in order to maintain customers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships of between perceived brand globalness, perceived brand localness, product evaluation and brand relationship. Furthermore, the paper examines whether different levels of product involvement have impacts between perceived brand globalness, perceived brand localness and product evaluation. This study used Google online survey. A total of 400 valid questionnaires were collected in this study. SPSS 25.0 and SmartPLS statistical software were used to analyze the data in terms of descriptive statistics, reliability and validity, direct hypothesis testing and comparative hypothesis testing. The results show that both perceived brand globalness and perceived brand localness positively influence product evaluation, with perceived brand localness having a stronger influence; perceived brand globalness positively influenced brand relationship; product evaluation positively influenced brand relationship, and product evaluation had a mediating effect between perceived brand globalness, perceived brand localness and brand relationship. Regarding the moderating effect of product involvement: the influences of perceived brand globalness and perceived on the evaluation of high-involvement products are more significant than that of low-involvement products. The conclusion of this study shows that both perceived brand globalness and perceived brand localness can enhance product evaluation and influence the relationship between consumer and brand. Therefore, brands should develop and adjust their globalization or localization strategies according to the types of products they sell and the resources they have, in order to stand out from other brands and gain consumers' love and support.


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