  • 學位論文


Analysis of remittance, consumer behavior and Taiwan product brand acceptance level of foreign worker in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


本文研究主要有關外籍移工在台的消費、匯款行為分析,主要研究對象為在台外籍藍領移工。採用「抽樣調查」的研究方法,透過進行設計問卷及訪談的方式,再引用統計分析結果與訪談內容交叉列入分析及探討。研究結果顯示:(一)、移工消費不高,而且不僅會隨著個人屬性之不同而有明顯差異,加上受到家庭經濟情況的影響也十分明顯。(二)、移工對台灣品牌產品的接受度相當高,尤其是台灣電子類產品,而且將來回國之後還會有許多人願意繼續購買台灣品牌產品。 (三)、移工將所得匯款回母國的比例很高,而且有很多移工透過非合法的金融機構匯款。如此,不僅使台灣政府無法掌握其匯出的金額及匯率,而且外籍移工必須承擔很大的作業風險。(四)、移工除了匯款回母國之外,對剩餘的款項很少做金融性的投資。(五)、移工將錢匯回母國的最主要動機為照顧家人生活,以及為自己給將來儲備一筆創業的資金。


外籍移工 匯款行為 消費行


Abstract This thesis analyzes consumption behavior, remittance of blue foreign workers in Taiwan. Research method is a combination between interviewing and distribute questionnaire. Received data is passed through statistical software (SPSS) and then analyzed together with interviewing content to discuss. The result includes: (1) consumption level of foreign workers in Taiwan is not high and depends on their different characteristics, especially their family economic status. (2)Acceptance level for Taiwan products is quite high, especially for electronic equipments. Moreover, when foreign workers come back to their country, there are many people willing to continue purchasing Taiwan products. (3) There is a high ratio of remittance from foreign workers in Taiwan in which sending by black market is not inconsiderable. Therefore not only the government has problem to manage the remittance flow but also there is a high risk to foreign workers. (4) Besides the amount of money for remittance, foreign workers spend very few for finance investment, almost is kept with them. (5) The cause and motivation for the remittance of foreign workers is mainly due to their family economic problem. That money will afford their family living expense and also be accumulated for their future business establishment.


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